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Q: Is a Jonathan apple tree self pollinating?
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Related questions

How does an apple flower pollinate?

It depends on the type of apple tree, some are self pollinating and some need other trees pollen in order to pollinate.

Is Bruce Red Plum tree self pollinating?

Bruce Plum tree is not a self pollinator, but this is no big deal as bees and insects will do the pollination process.

Is fertilizing your apple trees with 15 15 30 water soluble fertilizer mean you will get self pollinate fruit production?

The fruit tree is either a self- pollinating variety or it requires a different variety nearby to allow cross - pollination. This is not affected by the application of fertiliser, although the tree will benefit growth wise.

Does a nectarine tree need a pollinator?

hand pollination will increase yield. By definition, however, grapefruit trees are self-pollinating.

Do you have to plant an apple tree next to another apple tree?

No, apple trees do not need a companion tree. An apple tree will flourish all by itself. Most varieties of apple require a pollinator in the vicinity. Only a small number are self fertile.

What are fig tree pollinators?

Some figs are self-pollinating, but Smyrna and some others need pollinating with the caprifig. Wind, bees and other insects cannot access the pollen of the caprifig, and so the fig wasp must do it.

Can a flower on a tree or bush be pollinated without being pollinated from another tree or bush?

On some plants, yes their flowers contain both stamens and pistils and can be self pollinating. However this is not true of all plants.

How are the seeds in apple protected?

They are protected by the fruit of the apple tree, the apple its self

How can you make a walnut tree quit making walnuts?

Cut it down. Some species are not self-pollinating, but the "English" walnut is, so there's no reasonable way to keep it from producing fruits.

Why does an apple tree grow an apple?

because it is an apple tree

When does the apple tree in blossom?

The apple blossom grows on an apple tree. The apple tree grows when you plant an apple seed.

At what age does a tree start pollinating?

anywhere from 2-100 years, depends on the variety