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yes, with 3 flowers in the center.

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Q: Is a Remington antimagnetic with a train on front of watch an antique pocket watch?
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Yo tengo algo en mi front pocket para usted?

I have something in my front pocket for you? Really? :O *reaches in pocket*

What is the name of the pocket in front of a shirt?

It is called a chest pocket.

When was Remington 24 serial?

When or where? Where is the front of the receiver, when made check the manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

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How do you remove the front site of a Remington 700ml?

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The back pocket of a backpack is the pocket on the "top" of the backpack if you were to lay the pack on the ground with the arm straps underneath it. A fallacy among many females (because of their inferior sense of spacial reasoning.. that's science) is that this pocket is actually referred to as the "front pocket". This of course is incorrect as the "front pocket" is actually synonomous with the "main pouch" of the backpack and is closest to the body when the pack is being worn.

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jeans usually come with 5 pockets; two in the back, two main ones in the front and a small inner pocket in the left front pocket.

What is the age of Remington 1100 serial number n501952v?

After 1920 Remington stamped a date code on the left side of the barrel in front of the receiver. The diagram and date code table is on the Remington Society of America.

Where is serial number on Remington mod 12C?

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George had taken the gun from a friend and kept it in his front pocket for protection.

How do you locate barrel marks on Remington 742?

barrel marks for date code? It's on the left side in front of the receiver it may not be visible without removing front stock. There's a diagram and codes on the Remington Society of America.

How do you determine the Date of manufacture Remington model 550?

Date code is stamped on the barrel, left side in front of receiver. Check Remington Society of America for the codes.