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The smooth ER is found in both plant and animal cells. It is an important organelle for eukaryotic cells (like plant and animal cells). If a cell does not have smooth ER, it is likely to be prokaryotic (like bacteria) because they are simpler and less likely to have organelles.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Smooth ER is in both plant and animal cells. Rough ER is also in animal and plant cells.

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15y ago

it is found in both the types because its functions are important for both animals and plants

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11y ago

Neither, it's an organelle found in all eukaryotes.

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11y ago

In animal and plant cells both

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Q: Is a Smooth ER found in a plant or animal cell?
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Is smooth ER found in the animal or the plant cell?

IT is found in both

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Is a smooth endoplasmic reticulum in plant or animal cell?

Both the plant cell and animal cell include smooth endoplasmic reticulum's.

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Both the plant cell and animal cell include smooth endoplasmic reticulum's.

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plant cell

Is a smooth ER a plant or animal cell?


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The smooth E.R is found in the animal cell.

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Does an animal and plant cell have a smooth er?

yes it does