

Is a acorn harder than a walnut?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Is a acorn harder than a walnut?
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a wallnut is harder is very hard to open but the maple nut,but, i have cracked a maple nut open,that is te first way!second is i di a report on it in science and i found out that the wallnut is stronger.TRUST ME I KNOW!

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Yes, a fully grown acorn is larger than a fully grown ladybug.

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is a hardwood and harder to get and more money therefore it will take forever to grow.

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Yes, it most defiantly is. Do you know how big a acorn is? and it is not incredibly dense.

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'Walnut' [Juglans spp] is a specific, English equivalent of 'noce'. But the word also may be used generally in Italian to mean 'nut'. To confuse things even more, the scientific name for 'walnut' ['Juglans'] comes from the Latin phrase 'Jovis glans', which means 'Jupiter's acorn'!

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Ironically enough, I believe the world's largest acorn comes from the Coast Live Oak. This is because the tree in our front yard just shedded a walloping acorn that's a little bit bigger than a nectarine.