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Q: Is a baby crocodile called a neonate?
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What is kid snake called?

Neonate snake, Juvenile snake, or Baby snake.

Do baby crocidle?

a baby crocodile is called a crocodilikie

What is a snake's baby called?

a snakelet, a hatchling (just hatched) or a neonate (new-born)

What does neonate mean?

a newborn baby=)

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"Baby grass snakes" ;) You could use the term hatchling, neonate, or juvenile, depending on their age and your whim.

What is a baby crokodile called?

A baby crocodile is called a hatchling. A male is a bull and a female is a cow.

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What is a baby snake name?

A newly born snake is called a Snakelet Neonate while a newly hatched snake is called a hatchling

What is the scientific name of a baby lion?

a baby lion is called a cub just like most big cats

What is the term other than newborn that nurses and doctors call a baby immediately after birth?

The term other that nurses and doctors call a baby immediately after birth is a neonate.

How old is a neonate baby?

0-29 days