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A degree from schools like DeVry or Phoenix generally isn't considered to be as legitimate as one from a state school or other university.

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Q: Is a bachelor's degree from DeVry the same as a bachelor's degree from a 4 year university?
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If you get an associates at one college can you get a masters in the same field at a different college?

Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.Yes you can, however you will need to complete your bachelors degree first.

With an associates in fashion design can you get your bachelors in two years?

It depends on the major you plan on taking at the four year institution. If you are remaining within the same field of study, then it is possible to complete the bachelors degree in two years, provided you take the degree as prescribed by the college or university.

I have an Associates degree so how long will it take to earn a bachelors degree?

If you are transferring within the same field, it typically takes two additional years provided you continue your program of study as prescribed by the college or university.

How to get into an RN program when I already have a Bachelor's degree?

The exact same way someone without a bachelors degree does. With an application.

What degree do you get when you graduate from a four-year college or university?

The four year degree is a bachelors degree. It could be a Bachelors of Arts (BA), or Bachelors of Science (BS) degree depending on the program of study, and which focus the department offering the degree has. If its an arts degree, the scope will be broader to include a well rounded education in a variety of disciplines to include intellectual skills like critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning and judgment skills, that in essence will compliment the specific program of study whether in business, communications, psychology etc. If the degree is in the sciences it will have a more narrow focus, in terms of research, math, science, and practical skills. A bachelors can be either an arts or science. In other words, the degree for a business major can either be a BA or a BS. It just depends on the institution and the department within the institution on how they label the degree. The same goes for many other disciplines.

Do you have to do a postgraduate degree at the same university you did you undergraduate degree?

No, you do not have to take your graduate work at the same institution. Many individuals take their graduate work at other schools, because of the availability of their program of choice, location, price, reputation etc.

What is the difference between a bachelors of science in economics and abachelors of arts in economics?

Generally when one has mathematics, statistics or other science related subject as subsidiary subject with the economics honours paper, then it is B Sc. in economics and when one has geography, English or other arts subject with economics it is B.A. in economics. Though the degree provided, can also depend on the university, such as, with mathemics Calcutta University gives B. Sc. degree but Visva-Bharati University gives B. A. degree for Economics.

What is the difference between the university master's degree and college master's degree?

The words "college" versus "university" can be confusing......especially in the US, where they can mean different things, depending on the state and/or the school(s) in question.It would be nice if things in the US were more like they are in the UK, when it comes to the difference between "college" and "university." In the UK, the university is the large, overall institution; and then each of its constituent parts are called colleges... like the University of London system.And in that (University of London) system, there is no difference: a masters degree is a masters degree.Gratefully, despite the less-clear difference between "college" and "university" in the US, a masters degree, regardless which kind of institution issues it, is the same, from either. A masters degree is a masters degree. Period.In pretty much all cases, a "masters" degree consists of from, typically, 32 to 48 graduate semester credit hours, beyond a 120 undergraduate-semester-credit-hour "bachelors" degree.Though the credits are calculated differently in the UK, it's still the same: first a bachelors degree, and then a masters degree; and it matters, not, whether it's from a school that calls itself a "college," or one that calls itself a "university." In either case, it's post-secondary, graduate-level higher-education that's immediatelly beyond the post-secondary undergraduate bachelors degree.

Do you add associate's degree credits to get bachelors degree?

If you are in a transfer program at the associates level, and transfer to a four year college or university within the same field, your credits should be awarded toward your bachelors degree. In other words, an associate in business (transfer program), to a bachelor's in business should transfer well. Thus, two years at the associates level, and two additional years at the bachelor's level.

What is the difference between a bachelors and a baccalaureate degree?

The two words are used interchangeably. They mean the same thing; an individual who had completed an undergraduate degree.

How much does it cost to attend DeVry University?

Tuition rates are locked in at DeVry University. Currently, it is $609 per credit hour (for 1-7 hours) and $365 for credits past 8 or higher. $250 per credit hour for active duty military and $518 for alumni.

How long is an undergraduate psychology major in UC Berkeley In years?

An associates degree takes approximately two years, and a bachelors four years as a full time student, and provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college or university. Both degrees are considered undergraduate degrees. If one already holds an associates degree in a transferable program within the same field of study, then the bachelors should only take an additional two years.