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Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands.

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Q: Is a baker a blue or white collar job?
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Is a baker a white collar or blue collar job?

Blue, though this is somewhat amusing because the traditional uniform for bakers is white.

What's the difference between blue color job and white color job?

First of all, it's a blue/white COLLAR job. A blue collar job is usually more labor-intensive, and a white collar job is usually when you work at a desk.

Is a marine biologist a white collar or a blue collar job?

White collar.

Is a veterinarian blue or white collar?

White collar, veterinarian is doctor for animals. Doctors considered a white collar job.

Advantages and disadvantages of blue and white collar jobs in Australia?

Generally, a white collar job is advantageous compared to a blue collar one because the blue collar job involves manual work, which is hard and time consuming, whereas in white collar jobs people are usually doing mental work since they are (in theory) more knowledgeable. Another advantage is that blue collar workers are often paid hourly and with lower wages, whereas white collar workers are often salaried and higher paid. There are more chances that blue collar workers are harrased or abused by white collar workers. On the other hand, white collar workers often have huge responsibilities on them.

Is a nurse blue collar worker?

Nursing is considered white collar, because of the amount of education required for the job. Blue collar work is typically that of skilled workers with little or no education.

Ano ang ibig sabihin ng white collar job?

white collar job is the educated labor

What is the different of the blue-collar worker from white -collar worker?

White-collar worker is a salaried professional or an educated worker who performs semiprofessional office, administrative, and sales coordination tasks as an opposed to a blue-collar worker,whose job requires manual labor and receives an hourly rate of pay rather than an annual salary.

What is a white collar job?

Refers to salaried professional or an educated worker who performs semi-professional office, administrative and sales coordination task. The blue collar requires manual labor.

What are blue-collar workers?

Blue-collar workers are individuals who typically perform manual labor, work in industries like manufacturing, construction, or maintenance, and often require physical skills and training rather than advanced education or specialized knowledge. They are usually distinguishable by the type of work they do and the attire they wear on the job.

What are blue-collars?

Blue-collar workers are usually seen as wage-earning factory workers engaged in manual or semi-skilled work and are often contrasted with white-collar workers employed in offices who tend to have more job security,status,education,qualifications.

What are the disadvantages of white collar jobs?

White collar jobs are generally jobs that are salaried and include professional and office workers. These would include such professions a lawyers, bankers, investment consultants, accountants, architects, medical professionals, retailers, etc. On the other hand, blue collar job would include wage earners, such as construction workers, meat packers, landscapers, factory workers, agriculture workers, etc.