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Sometimes. A barbary lion could kill a bull moose quicker than a kodiak bear could due to its powerful fighting skills, and a barbary lion is quite longer than a kodiak bear. It is as long as a polar bear. Kodiak bears are heavier than barbary lions, meaning that the kodiak bear may be stronger. A kodiak bear weighs 1550 pounds, while a barbary lion weighs 650 pounds.

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7y ago

First off, Barbary lions are extinct in the wild. Second, Barbary lions lived in Africa, and Kodiak bears in Alaska. They could never meet in nature.

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Is the Kodiak stronger than the polar?

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Barbary lion or polar bear which is stronger?

Of course the polar bear is stronger. Polar bears are bigger and stronger than grizzly bears, while grizzly bears are stronger and larger than lions.

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tBarbaraylion because it's stronger and faster

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Depends on what kind of lion or bear it is. African Lion is stronger than a sun bear, sloth bear, and a black bear, but is weaker than a grizzly, polar, and kodiak.Polar bear.

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Can a barbary lion kill a polar bear?

The polar bear has a weight advantage over the biggest lion. The biggest lion is as long as a polar bear and as tall as a ladder. Even if the polar bear and the biggest lion met and fought, the lion may win, but would get seriously injured.

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Lion would be killed. Grizzly bear would be more powerful and stronger.

What is A barbary lion?

A Barbary lion is a subspecies of lion, Latin name Panthera leo leo, now extinct in the wild.