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Q: Is a barracuda prey predator or scavenger?
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narwhals are predatorsand prey

What are the 5 niches in an ecosystem?

They are decomposer, producer, predator, consumer, prey I'm not to sure about prey and predator it cud be scavenger and predator instead!!

Is a reindeer a predator or scavenger?

They are neither, They do not eat meat. A predator goes for the prey and the scavenger eats the leftovers but both terms refers to meat-eaters.

Is a dolphin a predator or scavenger?

It is both a prey or a predator because it eats and so dose other animals.

What predator eats prey?

Anything that eats dead things is a scavenger, not a predator. There are many scavengers that eat dead animals, including vultures and ants.

Could a scavenger follow a predator?

yes like a vulture may follow a lion for when after it has killed its prey

What is the different between prey or predator?

A predator (lion, tiger, cheetah...) is the animal that goes hunting for the prey (gazelle, deer, zebra...). When the prey is killed, the scavenger (hyena, vulture...) comes in to the scene and tries to steel the meal from the predator. In conclusion , the scavenger prefers to steal a freshly killed meal, than go hunting for his own. If he failed to steel the meal, he waits for the predator to eat, and comes in and eat the remains after the predator has left. A predator feeds on other LIVING things, while the scavenger eats animals that are already dead.

Is a great blue heron a scavenger?

The Great Blue Heron is a predator. The definition of a predator is anything that hunts down prey to eat. The definition of prey is anything that gets eaten by another animal for the other animal's survival.

What is a water scavenger beetles predator?

The water scavenger beetle's predator are birds and fish.

Is a tarantula a scavenger?

Yes. But it is prey as well. A tarantula is predator because it seeks other living things to eat. It is also prey because it will be eaten by other animals as well.

Is the t-Rex a scavenger or a predator?

It was a predator i checked it actually was a predator

What kind of consumer is a barracuda?

It is a top predator.