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Not really. It is a ceremony that celebrates a child turning thirteen, and thereby becoming an adult in the eyes of the Jewish community. But it is not a birthday party. It is a service led by the Bar or Bat Mitzvah with great spiritual significance, and afterwards there is often a party.

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Bat mitzvah.

The word "bat" means girl and daughter in Hebrew.

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Q: Is a bat mitzvah a birthday party?
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What is the name of a bar mitzvah party?

NO Barmitzvah's are for men. BATmitzvah's are for women

What ia a bat Mitzvah?

On a Jewish girl's 12th birthday she becomes a 'Bat Mitzvah'. When a girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah she is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

Why do you have a party after a Bat Mitzvah?

A bat mitzvah is the second most important event in a Jewish female's life. It's an event to be celebrated.

What is the name of the party that Israeli girls have when they are 13?

Bat Mitzvah?

How do you write a bat mitzvah card?

Just like you did when you asked the question: Bat Mitzvah.

What is the plural for Bat Mitzvah in Hebrew?

The plural for a bat mitzvah is a b'nai mitzvah

Is a Bat Mitzvah the same as a Confirmation?

No, a bat mitzvah is a Jewish girl's 12th birthday when she is considered an adult according to Jewish law. Confirmation is when a Catholic receives the Holy Spirit.

How do you become a bat mitzvah?

A girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah on her 12th birthday. This is when she is considered an adult in regard to taking on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult. The Bat Mitzvah ceremony for Jewish girls is how the girl publicly acknowledges that she is willing to accept this responsibility. A Bar Mitzvah is the same thing for a Jewish boy at the age of thirteen

What do you wear for a bat mitzvah reception?

At a traditional bar mitzvah reception, party dress are usually worn for the girls, and a nice shirt for the boys.

What are the decorations to a bat mitzvah?

Your bar or bat mitzvah decorations can be guided by several factors: -- Your favorite color scheme -- The theme of your Torah portion -- The party theme you have selected such as a sport or favorite activity

What are the same about bar Mitzvah and bat Mitzvah?

Amazing! There is a service in the morning for about an hour and a half. There normally is a party after or later that day, sometimes even the next day! (:

Do you need 2 outfits for a Bat Mitzvah?

The dress for a bat mitzvah should be modest and formal. Suit and tie for boys and dresses with straps, or a cover up, for girls. A separate outfit can be worn to the party after the ceremony.