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Q: Is a bear hamster better than any other hamster to have as a pet?
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How can you clean your teddy bear hamster?

The real name of a teddy bear hamster is Syrian Hamster.Syrian Hamsters pretty much clean themselves, but if the pet really smells THAT bad, you can do this: Get a dust/sand bath materials and sprinkle it on top of your hamster. (Avoiding getting it into your hamsters face). Stroke the hamster to get as much dust off and he/she should look and smell better than ever.

Which hamster is less likely to bite...a panda bear hamster or a black bear hamster?

Both types of hamsters are likely to bite....they are both very aggressive types, and harder to deal with. Actually, Panda bear and Black bear are both just color variations on the same type of hamster, the Syrian hamster. They are in no way aggressive or hard to deal with! They are much easier to deal with than any dwarf types.

Is Yogi Bear better than tron legacy?

Tron is better than Yogi Bear!

How big are fancy bear hamsters?

First: there is no such thing as a FANCY BEAR hamster, FANCY is added to the hamsters name by breeders, but they are no more FANCY than any other SYRIAN hamster! SYRIAN is their real name (teddy fancy honey and there's a lot of other names) As for size? Females (after pregnancy can get to the size of baked potatoes) and prior? Little larger than a mango Males same It really depends on the hamster Some get larger than others and it really depends on how active they are (some are more active some never use a wheel by choice) and diet (what u feed it and how much it eats)

Wicth is a better pet you are deciding over 7 pets Fancy Russian Dwarf Hamster or Robo Dwarf Hamster or Fancy Bear Hamster or Gerbil or Fancy Mouse or Dumbo Rat or Fancy Rat or a Guinea Pig?

I would say and dwarf hamster any kind there cheaper and they wont chew the bars of your hamster cage they are really cute. but do not get two and try not to let them escape your hands. They are really fast runners that's why i got the teddy bear hamster because they come in cute colors and they don't bite as much and you can get more than one. =)

Which hamster is best for you?

Syrian, teddy bear hamsters. They are less wild and easier to handle than dwarfs. If it is for a little kid you need to get a teddy bear hamster because they are just all around easier to take care of and are less wild :=)

Are male hamsters have better memory than female hamsters?

It depends on the hamster (:

Why is your hamster have ears bigger than the other hamster?

Because God made all animals in a variety. No one is the same as the other.

What do you feed a serbian hamster?

I have Serbian hamster and they eat sunflower seeds other than that they throw the rest...

Is black bear better than brown bear?

To answer this question, you have to consider which is the better fighter or the most likely to survive. The best fighter is the grizzly bear. It even has an extra back muscle on its back that helps it to dig better, to run faster, and to fight better, but the black bear is going to outlast the grizzly because it is stealthier, and it avoids humans, so that it does not get shot.

How many times a day do you feed a teddy bear hamster?

Twice they hide their food so they have more than you think.

Is a hamster grosser than a mouse?

No at least not to me teddy bear hamsters are the best kinds of hamsters and they are ot "grosser" then a mouse.