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Q: Is a bigleaf maple from a conifer or a deciduous tree?
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What type of tree is a spruce tree and what type of tree is a maple tree?

A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).

Is a red oak a coniferous tree or a deciduous tree?

No. A conifer is a cone bearing tree. A pine tree is a conifer. Maple trees don't have cones. If your question is:Which of these is a coniferous tree: Maple, Palm, Spruce or Mahogany?Horseisle Answer: SpruceBrought to you by LittleCricket [Cremello] & MissEm [Roan]

Is the sassafras tree a conifer or deciduous?

740039715 Karressa Blankenship

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The Pin Oak Quercus palustris is deciduous.

What is special about the Tamarack tree?

The larch is a deciduous conifer. In other words it is a conifer that drops it's needles in the Autumn.

Is a maple tree a conifer tree?


How are bigleaf maples used today?

Uhh, maple syrup, shade, everything that normal tree does

Is an sequoia tree a coniferous tree or a diciduous tree?

it's an evergreen conifer, not deciduous.

Is a Deciduous Tree a type of non-Coniferous tree?

A deciduous tree is a tree that drops it's leaves in the Autumn. A conifer or coniferous tree is a tree that bears cones. Some conifers are deciduous.

Is the spruce tree deciduous or evergreen?

Spruce is an evergreen conifer.

Is a Dawn Redwood a coniferous or a deciduous tree?

The Dawn Redwood or Metasequoia glyptestroboides is a deciduous conifer.

Is a hawthorn tree deciduous or conifer?

A holly is an evergreen. It is not deciduous and it does not bear cones.