

Is a black hole fast

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Typically it will travel at the same speed as stars - since most (or all) black holes were originally stars: a few hundred kilometers per second at most. The supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies will usually stay there, without moving around much.

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8y ago

That is difficult to quantify as the singularity of a black hole is infinitely small. A black hole does have angular momentum, but the amount varies depending on the angular momentum of what has gone into it.

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11y ago

If the intent of the question is to determine the gravitational acceleration of a black hole's event horizon, by definition it is the speed of light.

However if the intent of the question is to determine the gravitational acceleration of a black hole, one needs to estimate a radius for the black hole's event horizon. With the radius, the Schwarzschild solution should provide for a approximate mass. And with mass, the gravitational acceleration of a black hole could be measured at a given distance from the black hole's event horizon.

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12y ago

Black holes form when stars of mass above twenty solar mass go supernova, and the core collapse cannot be stopped by neutron pressure. A Type II supernova takes place over a span of about ten seconds.

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9y ago

In general terms, a black hole's linear (translational) motion is no faster than the star from which it was created - for example if a star occupies a slow orbit around the galactic nucleus and becomes a black hole after its fuel is exhausted, the speed of its orbit will be preserved and not really altered by the fact the mass became a black hole. But because angular momentum is also preserved, the speed at which the black hole spins (or other stellar remnants like pulsars/neutron stars, white dwarfs, etc) is preserved. Because the size of the remnant is highly compressed, an effect is evident something like when an ice skater goes into a spin, and pulls their limbs inward and noticeably increases their rotational speed; by way of analogy, the mass being pulled centrally can vastly increase the speed of the black hole's spin (one famous pulsar for example, spins about 500 times per second).

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11y ago

According to Newton's laws of motion, a black hole will move as fast as it did before collapsing as there is no force exerted on a black hole, it's speed stays constant. In addition to it's constant speed, it also will continue it's orbit around the supermassive black hole in the galactic center. However, some scientists think it is possible for a black hole to be ejected from it's galaxy if the galaxy merges with another. The pressure from two supermassive black holes orbiting each other and eventually merging can actually knock the new black hole off-center, however this is thought to be an incredibly rare circumstance. Rogue black holes are known to exist and they are vastly more common than rogue supermassives (Of which we have found none of and is purely theoretical).

So basically, your average black hole resulting from a collapsed star will remain orbiting at the same rate all while spewing out Hawking radiation causing it to shrink until it finally evaporates.

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8y ago

If you've seen a dancer on ice skates in a spin pulling their arms inward and thereby spinning faster, you've seen the physical laws of the universe in action. In this case the conservation of angular momentum. With a collapsed star the gentle rotation of its matter when it was a large star or galactic gas and dust is preserved as it collapses down, and the spin increases to a furious rate, even approaching the speed of light. In one case, studies of a supermassive black hole in the constellation Fornax showed it spins over four fifths the speed of light - almost 700 million miles per hour. In terms of rotations per second, black holes and neutron stars calculate to be spinning around tens to several hundreds to about a thousand times per second. Remember that a larger object would not have to spin a great number of times per second to reach light speed at its surface; an object with a circumference of a modest 3000 km would only need to spin 100 times a second to equal about light speed.

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13y ago

fast enough to suck up light boi

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In the case of a black hole, the gravitational pull of the black hole is greater than the speed of light. Which means that the light is not fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of the black hole.

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As black hole do not zip about as we imagine of alien spacecraft, I imagine the intent of this question is how fast can a black hole rotate. The expectation is consistent with the speed of light. Noting that the speed of a black hole's rotation is faster with respect to its mass, then the mass of a black hole is limited via this maximum speed of rotation. [Reference - Constraints on Black Hole Growth, Quasar Lifetimes, and Eddington Ratio Distributions from the SDSS Broad-line Quasar Black Hole Mass Function; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 719, Issue 2, pp. 1315-1334 (2010).]

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IF you had a very fast spaceship, it would be possible to fly it toward the black hole - but the spaceship AND YOU would be destroyed long before the molecular goo of your body entered the black hole. So, no. You can't get there, and you wouldn't want to even if you could.

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This is usually considered to be the event horizon.However a spinning black hole spinning fast enough or a charged black hole with high enough charge might not have an event horizon, leaving just what is called a naked singularity.

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In order to escape the gravity of a black hole, an object would have to travel faster than the speed of light - something that is impossible.

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you make them follow you to the black hole but dont go too fast or the shark will go it one shark at a time.dont get sucked in the black hole