

Is a blizzard a reptile

Updated: 11/10/2022
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7y ago

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Unlike the salamander which is supposed to be created from flame, the blizzard (or b-lizard) is a reptile native to ice. It's unusual name is actually a shortening of its original epithet "bob-lizard" assigned as a derogatory name by Robert (Bob) Frost's childhood friends in Massachusetts when he told them about keeping one as a pet as a child. This pet later served as a source of inspiration for his poem A Winter Eden.

The circulatory system of the b-lizard is filled with a mixture of ethylene glycol and water - making them quite adept at enduring temperature extremes. Like many winter-adapted animals, b-lizards change from a muddy brown coat to a pure white coat during the winter. They prefer to nest under icy walls of snow and reproduce only in icy conditions - leading their eggs to be frequently mistaken for abandoned snowballs left over from abandoned snow-ball fights between young human children. The b-lizard eggs can be distinguished from normal snowballs by their hard brown or black yolk which closely resembles a small rock. Many children have consequently been falsely accused of trying to excessively weaponize their snowballs by placing a rock in the middle when they were actually just unfortunate enough to mistakenly grab a b-lizard egg. Because of their natural camouflage in snowy environments, they are seldom seen. Also because their chittering mating call is nearly identical to that of chattering teeth, few people hear them either.

As spring approaches, the b-lizard reverts to a dirty mottled brown\black\yellow color that blends in with the melting snow crust (keeping them well camouflaged even in piles of snow stacked in plowed parking lots. By the time all the snow has melted, they will have burrowed into the mud and prepared to hibernate for the summer - awaking only in the fall when temperatures again drop below freezing.

Those venturing into the habitat of the b-lizard should beware of their painful bite. They usually only go for the toes, fingers and exposed earlobes. Symptoms of minor nips include numbness which transitions to itching, pain and redness later. In more serious bites, skin can turn yellow and blister - with sensitivity to cold persisting long after the bite has healed.

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