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Q: Is a boa constrictro egg soft?
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Why does vinegar make eggs soft?

The vinegar makes the egg soft because, the vinegar has a chemical reaction due to the Carbon Dioxide in the vinegar which has an effect on the egg. That's why the egg's shell dissolves off, and the egg gets soft.

How does a soft egg become hard?

you boil it in boiling water

What is a boa blanket?

Boa blankets are baby blankets that are soft and made of biodegradable materials. This blanket is eco friendly, anti-bacterial and wont fill up landfills.

Why does a egg go bouncy when you put it in vinegar?

The vinegar makes the egg soft because, the vinegar has a chemical reaction due to the Carbon Dioxide in the vinegar which has an effect on the egg. That's why the egg's shell dissolves off, and the egg gets soft.Correction:A raw egg will NOT bounce when dropped into vinegar. The egg must sit in vinegar for about 24 hours, so that the vinegar will react with the carbon dioxide in the egg shell, before the egg will become soft and rubbery. See link below.

What will happen if you put an egg in salwater?

The shell will become soft after about a day, and after a week or so, the egg will become extreame soft and inflated.

What is the time needed to soft boil an egg?

About 3 minutes to soft boil a medium size hens egg, 90 seconds to soft boil a quail egg, and as for a duck egg, the food hygiene regulations (in the UK) state a minimum of 12 minutes, to kill salmonella bacteria, by this time the duck egg will be hard boiled.

How a boa constrictor is born?

a female boa constrictor lays eggs and when the egg hatches a baby boa constrictor is born, then the baby snake goes and learns how to hunt for food and then he lives his own happy and thrilling life in the tropical forests.

Why are egg whites used in souffles?

Egg whites make it fluffy and soft.

Is there egg in soft serve ice cream?


What type of egg does an amphibian have?

The egg is classified as a mesolecithal egg, meaning that it contains a moderate amount of yolk.

What do egg eye and laundry have in common?

Their all soft

Can you make an egg sing?

place an egg in vinegar and then eat it, you will feel a soft singing from your belly