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Q: Is a cardiogram the same as ekg or ecg?
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What diagnostic record is also known as an egg or ekg?

An EKG stands for Electro Cardiogram. It is actually known as an ECG but in order to avoid possible confusion between EEG and ECG (Because they sound similar), the term EKG is used. An ECG is a record of heart activity.

What is ECG or EKG?

ECG and EKG are the same used to map the electrical activity of heart

Also known as an ECG or EKG?

Electrocardiogram is also known as ECG or EKG

What does the ECG and EKG record?

ECG and EKG mean the same thing, and it records the hearts electrical activity on a 6 second strip. The physician can make a diagnosis by looking at the EKG print out. If a 12-Lead EKG is used, then all walls and function of the heart will be recorded.

What is the machine called when your flat lined?

The machine I believe you are referring to is called a "heart monitor" or ECG/EKG (Electro-Cardiogram) monitor and the medical term for "flat lined" is asystole (A-sis-tool-lee).

What is another name for an ECG?


What instrument is used to detect electrical currents from the heart?

EKG (electro cardiogram).

What is another abbreviation for EKG?

ECG (electrocardiogram). The initialism "EKG" was introduced because "ECG" was too easily confused with "EEG" (electroencephalogram), when interpreting verbal orders.

What are other names for EKG Technicians?


What does EKG stands for?

Electrocardiography (EKG or ECG) is a test that detects electrical activity in a person's heart.

Does a cardiogram show previous heart attacks?

An EKG is a graphical image of the electrical system of the heart. Heart attacks frequently cause changes in how electricity flows through the heart. Because of this, the changes can frequently be seen on an EKG after the heart attack has had time to heal.

How is an veterinarian EKG machine made?

An EKG machine is an EKG machine (or ECG, depending upon the language you are abbreviating) regardless of the species it will be used on. It is made the same way as well, through automated manufacturing on a factory floor somewhere.