

Is a chameleon a gecko

Updated: 12/7/2022
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6y ago

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Bauer's Chameleon Gecko's are a small, robust, slow moving gecko. They are native to the islands of New Caledonia (just like rhacodactylus!). They are an arboreal species that spends most of their time clinging to, and traveling along branches in thick shrubs of humid forests. They also have an interesting defense ability in their tails, and can secrete a clear foul smelling fluid when agitated or harmed.

Life span: Unknown, still researching.

Size: SVL 48-54mm 10-12 grams for females, 44-48mm 4-7 grams for males.

Appearance: They are different shades of green, females being more of a flat olive, males are usually a grey green with rust or yellow colorations mixed in. Their scales themselves are normally green, but there is skin separating each scale that can be grey, green, yellow, or rust. They also have a yellow crease that stretches from the end of their mouths back onto their cheeks.

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No way First of all, chameleon's and gecko's my have diffrent humidity and temprature requirement depending on which type of chameleon or gecko you are referring to. Also both chameleons and geckos are rather aggressive (more chameleons). Chameleons get stressed very easily. They can even get stressed when they see their own reflection.

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Cages? Well maybe once a week. All you need to do is scoop out the poop.

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The scientific name for Tokay Gecko is Gekko gecko.

What types of leopard gecko is there?

They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D

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si the chameleon is endotherm

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A chameleon is a carnivore.