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Yes. It is similar in taste and texture to heart meat.

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Q: Is a chicken gizzard considered organ meat?
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What is the favorite chicken gizzard recipe the africans use. It is so good?

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Does a gizzard on a chicken store food?

The gizzard is the lump of muscle that grinds the food of the chicken. The food passes into the crop, and is softened, then through the stomach where digestive juices are added, then into the gizzard,where the food is ground up by all the bits of grit the bird eats from day to day. The gizzard is red meat, and in the olden days when you bought a bird the gizzard was sometimes left inside. it has quite a unique flavour, and takes a lot of cooking time to soften.

Is chicken considered meat?


Is a chicken drumstick considered white or dark meat?

A chicken drunstick can be dark or white meat.

Are chicken thighs white meat?

== == * Chicken wings are considered white meat due to the fact that chickens do not fly, and therefore the wings are not an exercised muscle.

Is liver meat?

Yes, it's actually an organ from the animal but it is still considered meat.

Is chicken considered meat during Lent?


Can the bile in chicken livers make you sick?

If a chicken is cleaned properly before consuming you do not need to worry about chicken livers making you sick. To consume chicken livers or any other organ or meat, be sure that the meat is cooked to temperature.

Is gammon white or red meat?

mutton is lamb and it is considered to be a red meat. pork and chicken are considered white meats.

Are frog legs considered meat?

Of course they are meat, they are after all the flesh of an animal. yes it is meat if it is a flesh of any animal it is a meat which is why ppl say they taste like chicken as chicken is a meat also

Why isn't chicken considered meat?

A chicken is not considered meat because of the simple fact that meat has a fatty edge and does not come from a bird. Meat is also more or less rather chewy, while poultry or chicken is not.

Why is chicken breast meat healthy?

A chicken breast and wing are considered white meat and therefore contains less fat. A chicken leg and thigh is considered dark meat and therefore has more fat. This is true also of turkey. Duck however is all dark meat and extremely greasy (but delicious). Cheyzer