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Q: Is a cobra part of a pit viper family?
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What do a cobra and a rattlesnake have in common?

Both are dangerous, venomous snakes. But the cobra is an elapid, and the rattler is a pit viper.

What snakes begin with the letter m?

Here are some: Mamba Monocellate cobra Mozambique spitting cobra Moccasin snake Mangrove snake Milk snake Montpellier snake Mud snake Massurana Mulga Machete savane Mamushi pit viper Malabar pit viper Malayan pit viper Mc Mahon viper Mole viper

Who would win banded krait vs King cobra?

The viper. THE FIGHT; A King Cobra slithers down a tree while a bamboo pit viper hides in the leaves. The cobra surrounds him but doesn't notice him. At the right time, the viper strikes. The cobra gets surprised and slithers up the tree and the viper fallows in camouflage. The cobra goes to get down the tree but the viper does it for him with a critical, hard, venomous hit and the cobra falls down. The viper goes down and the cobra raises his head then the viper turns around and the cobra strikes. The venom goes to work fast inside both snakes. One more strike could kill earthier one of them. The viper hides under a bush. The cobra fallows and with the camouflage, the viper makes the finishing strike the cobra has a slow, painful death and dies. The Bamboo Pit Viper takes the big victory!!!

Does a pit viper shoot venom?

No. Pit vipers do not shoot venom. In fact there is one snake breed that does it is called a spitting cobra.

What is a pit viper?

a pit viper is a snake

What are Sri Lanka snakes?

There are several snakes.Only 7 species are venamous. Cobra,pit viper,python, ahatulla are some

What family does the diamondback rattlesnake belong to?

All rattlesnakes belong to the Viperidae (viper) family. They belong to the group of pit vipers out of pit vipers, puff adders, adders. So the diamondback rattlesnake would be in the Viper(idae) family.

Are there Vipers in Indonesia?

There are approximately 450 species of snakes in Indonesia which only five or so are considered dangerously poisonous and only 3 of them are rattlesnakes.These are the poinosious snakes: Banded Krait, Black Spitting Cobra, Sea Snake, Malayan Pit Viper, Green Pit Viper, Blue Temple Viper

Is a pit viper a rattlesnake?

yes a pit viper is a venomous snake including rattlesnakes

What is the height of a Wagler pit viper?

A wagler pit viper is up to 4 feet

Is a black mamba a pit viper?

a black mamba is not a pit viper i think... i may be wrong

How much does a wagler's pit viper weigh?

it must weigh about 20 pounds or more for this pit viper.