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Q: Is a common table Mechanical mixture Solution sugar a pure substance?
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Is a solution a part of mixture?

A solution is simply a type of homogenous mixture. There are three common types of homogenous mixtures: suspension mixtures, colloids, and solutions. A solution consists of the smallest particles of these three, and those particles are dissolved in a liquid. The substance that dissolves is called the solute, and the substance in which they are dissolved is called the solvent. So a solution is a type of mixture, not a part.

Is a solution a mixture explain?

Yes, it is a type of mixture as mixtures are made of 4 categories: Mechanical Mixture (which is different than a solution), Colloid, Suspension, and Solution. So yes, a solution is a type of mixture just not a Mechanical Mixture.

Is common salt solution an element compound or mixture?

It is a mixture

Is common salt are pure substance?

Common salt is a compound (NaCl), not a mixture and is a pure substance (after refining).

Is most common matter is a mixture of substance?

true for A+ :)

Is most common matter of mixture of substance's?

true for A+ :)

What can be a solution?

A mixture that results in a liquid. A very common mixture is salt-water.

What is solution in science (answer)?

A solution is a mixture of a solute and a solvent. A common solvent is water and an example of a solute is salt (sodium chloride). Adding salt to water results in a salt solution, sometimes called a saline solution. A solution will be in one phase, normally a liquid but solutions can be found as gasses and as solids. Note that a mixture of two substances that do not form a single homogeneous substance is not a solution. Sand and water don't make a solution and a mixture of dry sugar and salt also don't make a solution.

What does a solution and a homogeneous mixture have in common?

Any phase is distinct.

Is NaCl H20 a mixture or a compound?

NaCl is a compound known as the table salt.

What does substance and mixture have in common?

yes a mixture is a combination of two or more pure sub.

Is a mixture of sucrose and water a solution?

Yes, a mixture of sucrose and water would form a solution. Sucrose can dissolve in water to form a homogenous mixture where the individual sucrose molecules are evenly dispersed throughout the water.