

Is a concrete block heavier in water or dry on dry land?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is a concrete block heavier in water or dry on dry land?
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Is the weight of a block of concrete submerged under water and hung by a scale heavier or same as on land?

It is lighter by 64 pounds per cubic ft. of its volume

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The land mass is heavier even tough the sea covers 2/3 of the earth's surface it still has land under the sea hence it is heavier... == == == == Land mass will be heavier than water because it is more dense

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because you a fatty! no due to difference in density of water and Air

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There is nothing to block the wind by water but on land there are trees to block the wind so it is always windier where? The water. It is always colder by the water too. Even in the summer. You jump in the water, you feel good. You stay on land. You're sweating through your shirt!

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Because currents in the water are disrupted by the land surrounding the bay, so the waters are calmer.

Is block a pronoun?

No, the word 'block' is a noun (block, blocks) and a verb (block, blocks, blocking, blocked).The noun 'block' is a word for a solid object with flat sides made of wood, stone, concrete, etc.; a piece of land defined by the streets surrounding it; the length of the side of such a piece of land; a large building of offices or apartments; something that stops action or movement; something interfering with thought; a marker at the start of a race; a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'block' is it.Example: I like living on this block because it is close to my work and shopping. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'block' as the subject of the second part of the sentence)

Why is it harder to walk on water than on land?

Water is heavier than air and is harder to push against resulting in a harder work-out. For this reason atheletes and horses are sometimes trained in water, this gives them a harder work-out, making their performance on land that much easier.

What makes concrete fail?

Im sure you have realized when walking down a side walk there are separations in the concrete. That is because without the separations there would be alot of perssure on the big piece of concrete, the land shifts causing the concrete to crack. Once the concrete has cracked water that freezes in it also causes the cracks to expand.

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the water is cooler then the land, and air sinks over the water. (apex verified) i picked this on aped, and it was correct.

Is airport a noun?

Yes, the word 'airport' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete, compound noun; a word for an area of land or water where airplanes may land and take off; a word for a place.

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