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Q: Is a coverslip used to hold a specimen in place?
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What is the used of the coverslip?

A coverslip in Biology is a small rectangle of glass that is mounted on a slide to be viewed under a microscope. The coverslip protects the specimen, keep it in place and/or make it flat.

What is the use coverslip in science laboratory?

They are used to cover the specimen.

Uses of coverslip or cover glass?

-->coverslip/cover glass-used to hold objects for examination under a microscope .

What is the function of stage clips?

the stage clips are used to hold the slide in place on the stage.

What is a stage specimen on a microscope used for?

it is used to hold the object and to keep the object in place.

What is the use of a cover slip?

It is used to hold the specimen being observed in place. It keeps the microscopic lens from touching the specimen, and it keeps the specimen from being contaminated.

What is the function of a coverslip?

A coverslip is used for expirements so you dony have to make a mess on the tables

What will happen if you used direct sunlight to observe your specimen?

The specimen will dry up and possibly not be able to with hold photosynthesis. It can cause serious eye damage.

What dissecting pins?

Dissecting pins are used to hold down the body of your specimen when being dissected.

What is a dissecting pins is used for?

A dissecting pin is used when you need to hold a cut specimen in place. for example if you cut open a frog and need to keep the flaps in place - you put these pins through the frog's flaps and pin them to the dissecting pan that should be under.

What are the little glass sheets used in a microscope called?

I'm assuming you mean the "glass sheet" that you place below the lens with a sample on it is called a glass slide: COVERSLIP!

What is used to hold down a specimen for disection?

Special metal pins. Kind of like very thin nails.