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Cows are at the bottom of the food-chain, since they are herbivores, not carnivores. In contrast, humans would be at the top.

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Q: Is a cow a consumer or a producer in the food chain?
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What is a cunsumer of a food chain?

A consumer is an organism in a food chain than obtains energy(chemical energy) from food such as another organism e.g a cow eats the grass. The cow is a primary consumer; a tiger eats the cow; the tiger is a secondary consumer So Anything in the food chain/web after the producer (plant) is a consumer

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cow is producer

Is a cow a consumer or a producer?


What is direct consumer?

A direct consumer is a animal, which eats a producer( a plant which can make its own food) such as a cow eating grass.

What is the direct consumer?

A direct consumer is a animal, which eats a producer( a plant which can make its own food) such as a cow eating grass.

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A relationship between a producer and consumer is best illustrated by a?

Animals: Grass (producer) and a Cow (consumer) Economy: Factory (producer) and Buyer (consumer)

Who are the producers consumers in a food chain?

a producer produces its own food a consumer eats other animals or dead or decomposed animals, which means it can also be a decomposer a decomposer eats decomposed or dead animals

What are the throphic levels?

Trophic levels have to do with food and the hierarchy of energy transimssion in food chains. For instance, in a model food chain there is a Producer, which would always be an autotroph, meaning they produce their own food. Plants, some kinds of bacteria, algae etc. Next come Consumers, that are heterotrophs, meaning they don't make their own food and so much acquire their energy by ingesting another lifeform. Primary Consumers would be the next trophic level after Producers, they're the herbivores that eat consumers. For instance, a cow (Primary Consumer) that eats grass (Producer). Secondary Consumers eat Primary Consumers. They're mostly carnivores or omnivores. For instance, humans (Secondary Consumer) eat a cow (Primary) that ate grass (Producer). The three trophic levels of that food chain schematic would be Producer -> Primary Consumer -> Secondary Consumer It can go on, some food chains have Tertiary and even Quartenary Consumers.

Is animalia a consumer or producer?

In behavior,animal behaves as consumer..It doesnot produce any sort of food but consumes upon produced by others...In other sense,for a calf a cow may be producer..but really it is not a producer though it can derive milk(food) for calf