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This refers to the formulation of a strategy to help an engineer to build a product with specified performance objectives. A design process includes a number of stages and parts that are needed to be repeated many times before the construction of the final product begin.

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Q: Is a design a process or a product?
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What is design modification?

A design change is the modification conducted to the product. It can happen at any stage in the product development process. The design changes that happen early in the design process are less expensive when compared to those that take place after it is introduced into full-scale production.

What is a design modification?

A design change is the modification conducted to the product. It can happen at any stage in the product development process. The design changes that happen early in the design process are less expensive when compared to those that take place after it is introduced into full-scale production.

What dimension of competitiveness does time to market performance in product design and process selection?

Product design and process selection are vital elements in any successful marketing campaign. Time to market performance means that the quicker you bring a design to market, the more units you can sell provided that your design and process are fundamentally strong.

Product design and manufacturing?

Product Design is to give picture viev to your imagination or innovation, after this you to design your product means the requirements needed to bring a product in real state of appearance . Once the designed product fulfil your purpose you produce it in lrge quantity . manfacturing is the process of converting raw material into finished product.

What factors can impact the planning process?

Consumer demand, time, type of product or product design , the economic and processes

What is product design?

Product design describes the process of imagining, creating, and iterating products that solve users' problems or address specific needs in a given market. Understanding the end-user customer, or the person for whom the product is being built, is essential for a successful packaging design agency.

What are the Importance of product design?

The product design specification (PDS) is a listing of the critical parameters, specifications and requirements for the product you are designing. It is a statement of what the product should be and should do. The PDS is created during the problem definition activity very early in the design process. Much of the product design specification is driven by customer needs. It is intended to show what you are trying to achieve, NOT what you will end up with.

What is a product design?

Any product example it may be in cunsumer goods, industries etc if they need to launch a new product they need to design a product. the product design consists of cocept to DFM(design for Manufactring). Once the cocept designer come up with a rough design,the product prototype is build with all the product fuctinality finally the product is build as per the product design. From the product design we can know the all the study about product and its functionality