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No they are still a Dictatorship. If the representative aspects of their supposed democracy are fictitious or an invention to facilitate their dictatorial rule they are simply a dictatorship.

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Q: Is a dictatorship that pretends to be a democracy is an example of a representative democracy?
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An example about a representative democracy?


How the national government of the US an example of a representative democracy?

We elect people to represent us, therefore, it is a representative democracy.

The US is an example of?

A developing nation.

Which is the best example of the influence of Athenian democracy on later governments?

The representative democracy of the United States.

What country is a good example of representative Democracy in the world?

Canada and India

What kind of govornment does the US have?

The United States is an example of a representative democracy.

What is an example of a government run as a representative democracy?

The United States of America.

What doese Representative democracy mean?

A democracy is a democracy where the whole population votes onan issue (such as a new law trying to be passed) and in a represenative democracy there is a representative that has been elected by the people that votes on an issue. An example of a representative democracy would be the united states because the people of the U.S. vote on a representative for the senate and the house of representatives to vote on law that are trying to be passes.

What country has a reprsentative democracy government?

The United States of America is the quintessential example of the strengths (and weaknesses) of a representative democracy.

What are differences between democracy and dictatorship government?

Six differences are 1. Dictatorship is the concentration of the power of a country or community to a single individual whereas democracy is the power division among people of a country. 2. Dictatorship can ruin a country but not democracy. 3. In dictatorship, people's opinions are not heard nor done.....but democracy does that all. 4.Dictatorship can suppress any upheavals against them.......but not in a democracy. 5.Dictatorship can often lead to unstable government and economy but surely not democracy. 6. Just understand what happened to HITLER'S germany, STALLIN'S soviet union, IDI AMEEN'S uganda it with the status enjoyed by USA, INDIA, FRANCE etc.......which are all democratic country.

Constitutional monarchy is most similar to which other system of government?

Parliamentary democracy

What is and example of command economy like democracy dictatorship and stuff like that?

cuba is a command government, a command government controls prices of goods.