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A diet that consists only of fruits and vegetables is likely to be deficient in protein, and in calcium and vitamin D, and will almost certainly be deficient in vitamin B12, which will lead to anemia. It is possible to survive on such a diet, but it is much easier to do so with the help of carefully chosen nutritional supplements.

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Q: Is a diet that recommends eating only fruits and vegetables healthy?
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by eating vegetables and fruits

What are nutritive value of fruits and vegetables?

its because eating healthy food makes the body healthy

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Eating healthy is eating in small portions and eating mostly green vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating any white food such as pasta, rice, because they contain carbohydrates.

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children get worms in their stomach by not eating healthy or not eating any fruits or vegetables AT ALL NOT EVEN ONCE IN THEIR LIFE!

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It is recommended towash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them because some fruits and vegetables may contain pesticides on their them.

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glow foods is the healthy look and feeling one gets from eating lots of fruits and vegetables

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glow foods is the healthy look and feeling one gets from eating lots of fruits and vegetables

Are fruits and vegetables healthy?


What is the function of glow foods in the body?

glow foods is the healthy look and feeling one gets from eating lots of fruits and vegetables...

Are fruits and vegetables important to the body?

Yes, definitely. Fruits and vegetables provide many healthy nutrients.

What were your eating habits as a young child In what ways are they similar or different from your current eating habits Did your eating habits predict whether or not you are healthy today?

Follow these basic guidelines: Work fruits and vegetables into the daily routine, aiming for the goal of at least five servings a day. Be sure you serve fruit or vegetables at every meal. Make it easy for kids to choose healthy snacks by keeping fruits and vegetables on hand and ready to eat.

How can you describe the healthy person?

a healthy person eat fruits and vegetables