

Is a draft in the us necessary?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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12y ago

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Whether or not there should be a draft (i.e. military conscription) in the US is a matter of debate. Many people argue that in modern times, due to the relatively high number of people who voluntarily enlist in the military, a draft is not necessary. Others argue that at least some conscription is good in case a large conflict starts suddenly, requiring very large numbers of men to be deployed.

The US government does have the ability to begin conscription during a war, should it become necessary. At present, the US military is an all-volunteer force, and has been since 1973. The Selective Service System is still maintained, just in case of the unlikely situation that a draft becomes necessary.

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The draft started...."The Government instituted the Nations first peacetime draft in September of 1940 and began to prepare troops for combat." got this from the web. -----------Actually, if we are referring to the United States, the first actual Draft was used by the North in the Civil War. It was highly unpopular, as it was very unfairly conducted.

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