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Q: Is a factitious disorder by proxy a form of child abuse?
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What disorder by proxy is a form of child abuse?

Munchausen's by Proxy. Where a parent or caregiver injures or sickens a child to garner sympathy for themselves.

What are the characteristics of Munchausen by proxy?

Munchausen by proxy is the name given to factitious disorders in children produced by parents or other caregivers. The parent may falsify the child's medical history or tamper with laboratory tests in order to make the child.

What is Ophelia Syndrome?

Ophelia Syndrome is a term used to describe a condition where a person mimics or imitates the symptoms or illness of another individual, often as a result of a psychological or emotional connection. It is considered a form of somatic symptom disorder or factitious disorder imposed on another (Munchausen syndrome by proxy). Therapy and support are typically needed to address underlying issues contributing to this behavior.

What is Munchasen syndrome by proxy?

that occurs when a person, usually a parent, pretends to take on the symptoms that are being suffered by a child, which gives the parent the appearance of manifesting the same disorder the child has.

What is a cultural healing practice that may be confused with child abuse a.Shaken Baby Syndrome b. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome c. Immersion D. Moxibustion?


What is the mental disorder that causes you to fake sickness for attention?

Munchausen by proxy

What is the cause of Munchausen syndrome?

Munchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected fake disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve "illnesses" whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome. In Munchausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates symptoms of illnesses in themselves in order to gain investigation, treatment, attention, sympathy, and comfort from medical personnel. In some extremes, people suffering from Munchausen's Syndrome are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine, and are able to produce symptoms that result in multiple unnecessary operations. For example, they may inject a vein with infected material, causing widespread infection of unknown origin, and as a result cause lengthy and costly medical analyses and prolonged hospital stay. The role of "patient" is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills a psychological need in people with Munchausen's. It is distinct from hypochondria in that patients with Munchausen syndrome are aware that they are exaggerating, while sufferers of hypochondria actually believe they have a disease. In many cases, a similar behavior called Munchausen syndrome by proxy has been documented in the parent or guardian of a child. The adult ensures that his or her child will experience some medical affliction, therefore compelling the child to suffer treatment for a significant portion of their youth in hospitals. Furthermore, a disease may actually be initiated in the child by the parent or guardian. Regardless of the mental health of the adult, this is a serious form of child abuse. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is considered distinct from Munchausen syndrome, see Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

If mother knows child is being sexually abused by father. Can she take child away even with court orders against that?

Over 60% of mothers accuse the separated father of sexual abuse at some point, so generally no. What she knows, or believes to know is not fact and is frequently destructive to the child. In cases of Munchhausen By Proxy Syndrome, the mother is actually doing the abuse while believing the father is the perpetrator.

What is it when a mother thinks her child is always sick?

Münchausen syndrome by proxy and you can read more about it in the link below.Munchhausen by proxy syndrome

What is the word for a mother that makes up a child's illnes and tries to convence the child and world that her child is ill?

Munchausen Syndrome by proxy? ANOTHER ANSWER The term you are looking for is MUNCHHAUSEN (mynch-how-zen) BY PROXY. Munchhausen refers to someone who claims illness or actually make themselves sick in order to get attention. Munchhausen by Proxy refers to someone who claims their child is ill, or more often, actually makes their child sick in order to get attention. Some women have actually gone as far as suffocating or poisoning their child, only to "save" them by seeking medical attention. They crave attention from friends, neighbors, doctors, nurses, anyone who will listen and fulfill their desire for sympathy and attention. It is a very real and very disturbing mental disorder.

What is the definition of Muchausen by Proxy?

Munchausen by proxy is a form of child abuse, and a type of mental illness that requires treatment. An individual, generally either the parent or the main caretaker, either exaggerates or even fabricates illness symptoms in a child, in order to gain attention and sympathy for themselves. The caretaker may even go so far as to cause symptoms via poisoning, overdosing with medication, or suffocating the child. In as many as 85% of cases, the mother is the individual responsible for fabricating the symptoms.

What happened to Julie Gregory's mother?

Julie Gregory's mother was diagnosed with Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare form of child abuse where a caregiver exaggerates or induces illness in the person they are caring for. Julie exposed her mother's actions in her memoir "Sickened."