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Q: What is a cultural healing practice that may be confused with child abuse a.Shaken Baby Syndrome b. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome c. Immersion D. Moxibustion?
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Are there any genetic conditions that can be confused with Down syndrome?

No, there are not. Someone might, but not normally.

Could autism be confused with fetal alcohol syndrome?

Uh... no. Autism is a development disorder while fetal alcohol syndrome is caused when a pregnant mother drinks alcohol and ruins her child

How can autism be covered up?

It may be confused with other diseases, such as fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and untreated phenylketonuria

What is grade II Reye syndrome?

Grade II: Child is confused, delirious, combative, with overly-active reflexes, breathing quickly.

What other inherited disease can be confused with Marfan syndrome?

The symptoms of Marfan syndrome in some patients resemble the symptoms of homocystinuria, which is an inherited disorder marked by extremely high levels of homocystine in the patient's blood and urine.

What are the symptoms of Savant Syndrome?

The symptoms of Savant Syndrome are not to be confused with autism. It is a form of autism, but the children seem to do well at one special skill, such as drawing or math, going into the exceptional category but other skills they are below average.

What is Baby Moses Syndrome?

I found this: " The Moses syndrome should not be confused with the baby Moses syndrome (the hope-in-a-basketfallacy), a kind of defense mechanism whereby one deceives oneself into inaction by the wishful thought that somebody else will eventually come along to solve your problems for you and save you from disaster." Here:

What is rye's syndrome?

Reye syndrome is sudden, sometimes fatal, disease of the brain. The liver also degenerates. This condition causes children who have had the chickenpox or a flu like illness that is caused by taking medications containing aspirin. A child with Reye syndrome usually become unusually quiet, lethargic, sleepy, and have vomiting. Is it progresses ethargy deepens and the child become confused, combative and delirious. Reye syndrome can cause death.

What are the symptoms of Reyes syndrome?

Vomiting and listlessness are some of the earliest symptoms, although they are not necessarily universal in every patient. Children tend to become sleepy, disoriented, confused, and even combative

Past tense of confused?

The past tense of "confused" is "confused." For example: "He was still confused about the directions even after asking for help."

What is 7 is 6 times as much as 42?

A very confused statement.A very confused statement.A very confused statement.A very confused statement.

Can you give a sentence using confused?

I am confused by your question. She confused the students with her talk of parabolas. Don't become confused, go straight on and get your goal.