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Q: Is a growing child is likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance?
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Is a growing child likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance?

False, a growing child is not likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance.

Cure for too much nitrogen in soil?

To address excess nitrogen in soil, try planting nitrogen-absorbing crops like legumes, or allow the soil to go fallow to naturally reduce nitrogen levels. Additionally, avoid applying nitrogen-rich fertilizers and incorporate organic matter to help balance nitrogen levels over time. Consider conducting soil tests to monitor nitrogen levels and adjust your management practices accordingly.

How is extra nitrogen getting into the bay ecosystem?

Extra nitrogen can enter bay ecosystems through runoff from agricultural fields where nitrogen-based fertilizers have been applied, as well as from urban areas where treated sewage or stormwater runoff contains nitrogen compounds. Industrial waste discharge can also contribute to elevated nitrogen levels in bay ecosystems.

How soil gets affected by continuous plantation of crops in a field?

Continuous planting of crops on soil can lead to soil depletion of essential nutrients for plants, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen can be replaced by crop rotation (in other words, every third year growing beans or peanuts on the soil), or by using nitrogen fertilizers (the first is better because it doesn't pollute the water supply). Phosphorus is generally obtained from phosphate fertilizer.

How do plants take nitrogen from the atmosphere?

Plants absorb nitrate compounds from soil through their root hairs, which are outgrowths of the trichoblast cells in the roots.Most plants are not able to use nitrogen as such (N2), though some, including legumes and casuarinas, supply water and food to symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in specialised root nodules, and these fix nitrogen to nitrate which they supply to the plants.

Related questions

Is a growing child likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance?

False, a growing child is not likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance.

Does pregnancy favor positive nitrogen balance?

Nitrogen status is positive in growing infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and people recovering from protein deficiency or illness.

A child most likely in positive nitrogen balance?

A child in positive nitrogen balance is consuming more nitrogen (from protein sources) than they are excreting, which is necessary for growth and development. This typically occurs during periods of growth, such as infancy and childhood, when the body is building new tissues and cells. It is important for overall health and development.

What is movement in response to light?

Phototropism is the movement of an organism in response to light. Plants, for example, can exhibit positive phototropism by growing towards a light source to optimize photosynthesis. Negative phototropism is when an organism moves away from light, such as the roots growing down into the soil away from light.

What is a good jingle to sell nitrogen?

"Get your plants growing right, with nitrogen pure and bright!"

How does growing an apple orchard affect the environment?

produces nitrogen+ oxygen

Why don't legumes need nitrogen containing fertilizers comment?

They have bacteria growing in their roots that take nitrogen from the air and supply it to the legumes.

Which effect would the growing of legume crops such as beans and soybeans have?

In the nitrogen cycle.

Which fertilizer works best on a tomato plant?

High Nitrogen when the young plant is growing then high Potash when the fruit has set.

How is extra nitrogen getting into the bay ecosystem?

Extra nitrogen can enter bay ecosystems through runoff from agricultural fields where nitrogen-based fertilizers have been applied, as well as from urban areas where treated sewage or stormwater runoff contains nitrogen compounds. Industrial waste discharge can also contribute to elevated nitrogen levels in bay ecosystems.

If a population or bank account is growing by the same percent age every year what type of growth does it exhibit?

Exponential Growth

What are the positive and negative aspects of growing cities?

Some positive aspects to growing cities would be community and improvement to the economy. Some negative aspects would be pollution and crime rate.