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Guinea Pigs are MUCH larger than Hamsters and since their excrement (droppings) and cleaning habits and so on are similar - one could conclude that they smell the same.

BUT if you do not clean their habitat often enough, THEN a Guinea Pig's Cage/Terarium would be Smellier than a Hamster's - SINCE they would have a larger amount of droppings (both in size and amount) and there would be more excrement in their enclosure.

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13y ago

Guinea pig because they excrete more and larger wastes.

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Q: Is a hamster smellier than a guinea pig?
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Which wil cost the most money guinea-pig or a hamster?

A guinea pig may cost a little more than a hamster.

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

Is a hamster's hearing better than a guinea pigs hearing?

i think a guinea pig's hearing is better than a hamster's because i tried to sneak up to my guinea pig but when i saw my guinea pig it was staring straight at me like it knew i was there already. i once owned a hamster and they did not notice me very often as much as guinea pigs. ;D

Which smells morea guinea pig or hamster?

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Is a guinea pig a hamster?


Is a hamster a guinea pig?


Is agent Darwin on g-force a hamster or guinea pig?

guinea pig

Can a female hamster live with a male guinea pig?

it depends what type of guinea pig you have

How will you know if your pet is a guinea pig or a hamster?

Guinea pigs is a lot bigger than hamsters. A hamster is about the length of one baseball while an adult guinea pig is about the size of three baseballs. In fact, if you place food in front of a grown guinea pig, it can stretch itself to the length of a foot with ease. A hamster wouldn't stretch to that length, not even when forced.

Can you feed your hamster guinea pig food?

No,NEVER,EVER give a guinea pig hamster food.Hamster food contains nuts,which are fine for the hamster but will almost certainly choke your guinea pig.Also hamster food contains corn which is way too fattening for guinea pigs. And lastly a guinea pig needs a lot of vitamin C which guinea pig food has plenty of while hamster food doesn't have nearly enough,plus hamster food has too much protein for guinea pigs.