

Is a heptogon sturdy

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is a heptogon sturdy
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What shape has 7 sides?

A Heptagon has seven sides.

Why are triangles sturdy?

im sorry im trying to find out too but totally cant find the answer.

Find the measure of angle of heptogon?

The question can only be answered by assuming that it refers to a regular heptagon. The sum of the internal angles of a n-gon add to (n-2)*180 degrees So the internal angles of a heptagon add to (7-2)*180 = 5*180 = 900 degrees Assuming that the angles are equal, each internal angle is 900/7 = 128.571428.. degrees.

Can you ceramic tile on plywood floor?

No, plywood alone is not strong enough for ceramic tile. These floors require a very sturdy subfloor at least 1 1/4" thick before the tile. This requires either using cement board or a pored mudbed.

Can you put ceramic tile above the galvanized sheet?

That depends on what kind of support is underneath the sheet metal, and you will still need to install tile backerboard or cement board on top of the sheet. Generally, you'll need sturdy support to hold the weight of tile and backerboard so the tile won't move (at all). Any movement causes grout to crack and tiles to pop loose. Recommended support is at least 3/4" thickness of subfloor supported by joists no more than 16" on centers. If the span between joists is greater, then you'll need a thicker subfloor support. Then install cement board or backer on top of your galvanized sheet, with mortar troweled under the backerboard to support any gaps, and screwed into the subfloor. Then install tile to the backerboard.