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The largest of the three species of hyenas, the spotted hyena, weighs up to 86 kg. Adult females of the smallest species of tigers, Sumatrans, weigh as little as 75 kg, but Bengal tigers males can weigh up to 258 kg.

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11y ago

Not at all, the tiger would rip the hyena apart with his claws and fangs. :p

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Q: Is the hyena heavier than the tiger?
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An adult lion is considerably bigger, heavier and stronger than a hyena.

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Which is stronger a tiger or a dhole?

A tiger is several times bigger, heavier and stronger than a dhole.

Do tigers eat hyena?

Maybe the could if they wanted to

Would three hyenas dare steal a tiger kill?

Hyena's live in Africa and Tiger's live mainly in India and Russia. There too far apart to meet up, unless they are transported to the same area by Human interference. But let's say they put a Bengal Tiger in Africa and it was feasting on an animal it had killed. I'd say the hyena's would take the Tiger on not knowing what it is. But 1 good Bite from a Tiger would cripple or kill a hyena. The hyena's would probably circle the Tiger and annoy it by biting it and moving away. Hyena's have a bite force that could be twice as strong as the Tiger's, so the tiger would really be ticked off. And swipe it paw's at the hyena's. Then charge at one, A tiger could kill a hyena in a single bite due to it's size advantage. The hyena's may have a hard bite force but It must get a clean bite into the tiger to inflict serious damage. While the tiger can injure the hyena's with swipes from it's paws or a bite with little force. So I can see if the hyena's got too close and engaged in the bite and move tactic it would get a little too close and get caught by the tiger and quickly killed. Tiger's are not slow in combat.There are many vid's of lion's catching and killing hyena's when the hyena's get too close. And I think a tiger has a faster combat speed then the lion. And a faster runner but can only un for a short period of time. So after the tiger takes out 1 hyena the others 2 will realize the risk of continuing this battle and flee. The striped hyena is found in Asia, and may scavenge from the tiger's kill from time to time, but would not have the bravery to attack the great cat.

Is a liger heavier than an elephant?

No. A liger is half lion & half tiger.

Who would win a fight between a deer and a tiger?

Are you kidding me! A tiger is larger, longer, and heavier than a deer, so a tiger is totally a winner.

Hyena Vs tiger who will win?

Defnitly a tiger. Tiger are far bigger and more powerful than a hyena. Male lions have been known to kill whole packs of hyenas, so it would not be too hard for a tiger. Tigers can take on large brown bears, so a hyena would be no problem to them. But they would never meet in the wild.

Who is stronger a wolf or a tiger?

The Tiger. The Tiger is probably two or three times heavier than a wolf. It is also many times stronger than a wolf. It can easily kill a wolf with just one bite.

Who would win, a tiger or a hyena?

tigers have more mussel strength hunting skills bite force

How much bigger is a gaur than a tiger?

Gaurs are the largest species of buffalo in the world, making them at least a half to a whole ton heavier than a large cat like a tiger.