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Not usually, but it depends on the direction of stress involved.

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Q: Is a hollow part stronger than solid part?
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What is stronger solid shaft or hollow shaft?

Depends on what you mean by "better". For the same dimensions, a solid shaft will be a bit stronger, but also a lot heavier. If you were to make a hollow shaft of the same weight, but a bigger diameter, it'd be a lot stronger than the solid shaft.

Why are hollow tubes used instead of solid steel tubes?

Hollow tubes are used instead of solid steel tubes to reduce weight while maintaining structural strength. This makes them more cost-effective and efficient for various applications, such as construction, automotive and aerospace industries. Additionally, hollow tubes allow for easier passage of fluids, wires, or other elements through the center.

What is stronger a round steel pipe or a steel hollow square bar?

By stronger, we need to define the loading conditions of the rod or pipe. The strength of a rod or pipe is typically evaluated with axial, transverse (bending), and torsion loads. With the same diameter and the same material, a solid rod is stronger than a hollow pipe. However, with the same weight and material, the hollow pipe is stronger than a solid rod. Because a hollow pipe is lighter than a solid rod at the same diameter, the hollow pipe would have a larger diameter in order to match weights with the solid rod and a larger diameter rod or pipe is stronger than a smaller diameter one.

Is hollow bones are stronger than a compact bone?

hollow bones are stronger than compact bones

How is a hollow cylinder stronger than a solid cylinder when both have the same mass and length?

if they are short or in tension they are the same, when they bend the hollow tube has a bigger second moment of area and so is stronger to any bending moment

Why is hollow steel pipe stronger than solid steel?

For a given outer diameter, the solid shaft is stronger, but it weighs more.For a given weight, the hollow shaft is stronger because it has a bigger diameter.due to less weight & less bending moment..............the resultant bending moment for a solid pipe is much larger than for a hollow one because of their weight difference

Is yamamato stronger than ichigo the new hollow form?


Why do you think chicken bones are stronger than human bones?

Chicken bones are not stronger than the human bones because they are hollow.

Is a liquid usually is stronger than a solid?


Which one is efficient under torsion wish the same cross sectional areas Hollow or solid stractural members?

Hollow members are more efficient than solid with equal area

If a birds wings are hollow how does that affect its flying?

Yes as birds with hollow bones cannot fly for longer whereas penguins do not have hollow bones and are able to swim in rough tides for ages. Also non-hollow bones are stronger and tougher than hollow bones.

Why it is possible to catch a solid ball as compared to a hollow ball of equal radius?

The solid ball, will have more mass in comparison to the hollow ball of the same radius. Since, momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity, the solid object will have more momentum. Therefore, the force required to stop the solid ball will be much greater than the force required to stop the hollow ball (since, the hollow ball will have less momentum because of its less mass). That's why its difficult to catch a a solid ball as compared to a hollow ball of equal radius.skhatti