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Q: Is a hot air balloon a balanced or unbalanced force?
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What happens when the forces acting on a hot air balloon are unbalanced?

what happens is when the hot airballonis unbalanced it stats moving around eventually going to fall when its balanced it stays perfect and doesn't wobble

Why balloon burst when it goes high?

This is because there is always the same amount of air inside the balloon, providing the same amount of outwards force. Here on the ground, that outwards force is balanced by the air outside the balloon pushing on it. Higher in the atmosphere, however, there is less air, and therefore less force. Thus as the balloon ascends, there is a greater force pushing out than pushing in, and the balloon bursts.

Give an example of an unbalanced force?

When you start falling, you are in the situation when you are subject to the unbalanced force - gravity. After some time of falling force of gravity is balanced by air drug force at that moment you reach so called "terminal velocity" and your acceleration becomes zero.

How do unbalanced forces affect a hot air balloon?

the higher you go the lighter the air is.

How can an object have balanced forces and still move?

If an object is at rest it takes an unbalanced force to get it moving. Also if an object is moving it takes an unbalanced force to stop it. So if an object is in motion, because of some unbalanced force and then, while moving, another force comes in to make the forces balanced this will not be enough to stop it, just keep it from accelerating. This happens when objects are dropped from a great height. At first the force of gravity causes it to pick up velocity (accelerate) as it falls. But as it picks up speed the force of air resistance gets larger and larger. Pretty soon the downward force of gravity is just balanced by the upward force of air resistance. The object continues to fall , but now at constant velocity.

When an apple falls from a tree what force pulls it down what are the balanced and unbalanced forces at work?

Pull of gravity pulls it. Other forces - Air resistance and drag

What would happen if a hot air balloon's envelope was not balanced in weight?

The Hot air balloon wouldnt fly strait

How do balanced and unbalanced forces affect the motion of an object?

Objects move according to their net force, or the total amount of force acting on them. Balanced forces are just that, balanced. An object with balanced forces will not move because the opposing forces will cancel each other out. However, if there are unbalanced forces, the object will move in accordance with the force that is greater. When moving though, there is always friction. Whether you be underwater, on the ground, or in the air there is always friction on the Earth. (Besides vacuums, of course.) Force is equal to mass x acceleration. With that you can find the forces of the object if you know its mass and acceleration.

Why does an inflated balloon inflate inside a bell jar?

because outside air is no longer compressing the sides of the balloon, so the pressure outwards is unbalanced and the balloon grows

What force makes a hot air balloon rise up into the air?

The upthrust exerted by surrounding air on the balloon.

How does a balloon rocket works with Neuton's Laws of Motion?

here: In launching, the small opening at one end of the balloon allows the air to erratically escape, and so, provides a thrust that propels the balloon in the opposite direction. In doing this, it obeys Newton's Third Law of Motion. While the air molecules rapidly push out or escape through the balloon's opening, the moving air molecules also put an equal amount of force in the opposite direction to the opening. Similarly, Newton's third law states that every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Since there are no other forces acting on the balloon at the opening, the balloon experiences an unbalanced force in the opposite direction to the opening and moves in that direction. In propelling or moving randomly, the balloon obeys Newton's First and Second Law. As more air escape and the force acting opposite to the balloon's opening consequently decrease, the speed of the balloon decelerates. This corresponds to Newton's Second Law of motion that the resultant force acting on a body is proportional to its acceleration * mass. If less resultant force is acting on the balloon, there will be less deceleration. When enough air has been expelled from the balloon, there is no longer any force on the balloon to keep it accelerating opposite to the opening, so it comes to a stop. This corresponds to Newton's First Law (a body continues to be at rest or move with uniform velocity until acted upon by an external unbalanced force or resultant force). Since there is no resultant force to act on it, it comes to rest.