

Is a house sparrow a native or exotic species?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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a house sparrow is an exotic bird no a native bird!

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Q: Is a house sparrow a native or exotic species?
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What is the most common species of sparrow in an urban area?

Of native U.S. sparrows,either the chipping sparrow or the song sparrow. The English sparrow is common around the globe, but is an introduced species here in the U.S., and is not a true sparrow, but a weaver finch.

What are some exotic species in NC?

Some non native species currently residing here are: Coyote (canis latrans) Eurasian Collared Dove (streptopelia decaocto) European Starling (sturnis vulgaris) House Sparrow ( passer domesticus) Common Carp (cyprinus carpio)

How do you tell the deference between a male and a female House sparrow?

Depends on the species, most native sparrows have little or no sexual dimorphism, while the English or house sparrow,has the male bird with a dark cap and throat patch while the female is a drab, gray brown bird. The English sparrow is an introduced European species in the U.S., and is not a true sparrow, but a Weaver Finch.

Is it legal to kill a house sparrow?

Yes. These birds are not protected under the Migratory Bird Act. They are not native to the US and are an invasive species. You can kill them.

What species have been brought to the US?

the house sparrow from England

Is a sparrow an endangered species?

not yet but if their habitats are destroyed by new housing then it may become 1 one day soon.

What is the English house sparrow population in 2009?

Almost certainly in the millions..A very common species.

What kind of sparrows lives in Maryland?

This questions is not as simple as it may appear at first glance. First, when speaking about bird distribution you must consider how much of the year a give species live in a place. You also must decided what birds are defined as "sparrows", and how many sparrows species there actually are. In Maryland (USA), there are 18 Sparrow species that regularly are resident all year long or live here in the Summer or Winter only. There are probably 2-3 species that migrate through the State. Any there are records of some western sparrow species that have occasionally be found here on rare occasions. of the 18 regular Sparrow species, I've included Towhee, Snow Bunting and Dark-eyed Juncos, that are considered by some people to be sparrows, while others might not. Finally, some of the 18 sparrow species in Maryland could be split into more than one species. Examples Towhees, Juncos, Savannah Sparrow, Song Sparrow and Harris Sparrow, Sharp-tailed Sparrows. Interestingly, the most common species of "sparrow" - the House Sparrow that everyone sees around towns and cities is NOT actually a sparrow and isn't even from the United States! It is a European species that came to the United States in the 1800. It is very aggressive and has contributed to the decline of native bird species and native Sparrows. The best way to learn about the Sparrows in Maryland is to get a field guide to the birds of Eastern North America, or even better, contact your local Audubon Society to go out on free birdwatching walks throughout the year.

Are House sparrow aggressive?

Yes..Often take nesting sites from other species, like the bluebird.

Is the binomial system easier?

It depends what you are comparing it to. The binomial system is the method of naming organisms with two names, the genus and the species. Thus there are two species of sparrow in Britain, passer domesticus (house sparrow) and passer montanus (tree sparrow). The big advantage of this system over common names is its lack of ambiguity.

Could you Describe what a house sparrow is?

A house sparrow is a small bird that lives pretty much every where in the US, parts of Canada, Mexico, and European countries. They are often referred to as pests since they are not native and have very few predators. Despite it's name it's not actually a true sparrow but rather a weaver finch.

What is scientific name for sparrow?

There are 140 species of sparrows, each belonging to 4 different genera in the family Passeridae. These include: Passer, Petronia, Carpospiza, and Montifringilla. A list of various species of sparrows can be found on Wikipedia.