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As long as they do not want a dog, they can take care of the kitten and understand what they can not do with the kitten, sure buy them a kitten. If they can't, or as most kids say "I forgot" when they don't take responsibility. Buy them a fish if there is ANY doubt.

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Q: Is a kitten a best pet for a 9 year old?
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Which pet do you think is more suitable for a 12 year old and easier to take care of cats or dogs?

cats are good and easy to take care of but they are not as fun as dogs. a kitten might be best .

Is it OK for a ten year old girl to have a kitten?

Yes if her parents/guardians are harpy for her to have one and she understands what having a pet entails.

What is the best pet for a 2 year old?

The best pet for a 2 year old is a matter of opinion, but many young children do well with a dog or a cat. At the age of 2, it might be best to stick with a pet that belongs to the whole family so that you can be sure the pet is cared for and not hurt.

Can you use any shampoo to bathe your kitten?

It wouldn't be the best idea. Your kitten may get an allergy from it. Visit your local pet store and inquire what shampoo would suit best

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A Kitten is clawdeens pet

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A gerbil is the best pet for a 12 year old girl. You have to buy two of them though because they DO NOT like to be alone. They are very friendly pets, loving, and loyal. They usually do not bite, but if you hurt them they probably will. I am 12 year old and i got 2 dog and soon 1 cat

What do puppies eat on RuneScape?

That depends on the pet. For example, a kitten/cat eats fish.That depends on the pet. For example, a kitten/cat eats fish.That depends on the pet. For example, a kitten/cat eats fish.That depends on the pet. For example, a kitten/cat eats fish.

What is the best pet for a 9 year older?

A 9 year old would likely do really well with a fish for a pet. It is also likely that a 9 year old would enjoy a hamster, small mouse, or even a guinea pig.

Is false pregnancy dog milk safe for a kitten?

No, dogs milk and cats milk have different things in them. If you have a kitten that doesn't have a mother it's best to go to your local pet store or vet and get replacement kitten milk

How do you treat a 6 week old kitten that has worms?

You should see your vet or pet shop to get the proper medication. A six week old kitten is too small to get adult cat medicine and you can hurt it with the wrong stuff.

Can a 6 week old kitten drink powered milk that was bought at PetSmart mixed with water?

can a 6 week old kitten drink powered milk mixed with water. the powered milk was bought at a pet shop