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Q: Is a light bulb luminous ojbect or an illuminated object?
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What is the difference between a luminous objects and a illuminated object?

An illuminated object reflects light that came from somewhere else. A luminous object emitts its own light.

Is a firefly illuminated or luminous?

A firefly is considered luminous. Luminous means that the organism or object has the ability to produce its own light.

How does an object give of light?

If an object gives off light, it is a luminous object.The luminous object gives off its energy and we see it. If you shine light on an object, it is an illuminated object, it just reflects the light back into your eyes.

Is the moon a luminous object or do you see it because it is illuminated?

You see the moon because it is illuminated. It reflects the sun's light.

Is fire a luminous object or an illuminated object?

yes it is because they go BOOM in the sky.... I love you Maddie and maygen

Is the moon luminous or illuminated?

The moon is illuminated by the sun. It is not luminous, since it emits no light of its own, only reflected light.

What is the difference between luminous object and illumines the object?

Luminous objects give off light whereas illuminated objects relfect light, and thus appear to produce light. For example: A lightbulb is luminous because it gives off light whereas the moon is illuminated because it reflects the light of the sun.A luminous object shines with its own light; it produces its own light, like the sun. An illuminated object is lit by some outside source, like a light bulb or something lit up because your car's headlights fall on it at night, such as your garage door.

Is a glow in the dark ball luminous or illuminated?

It is a source of light, hence luminous.

What is the difference between luminous body and illuminated body?

A luminous body 'glows' on it's own (a firefly) while an illuminated body is seen with light. (a flash light at night on a book).

Is gold non luminous object?

sun (a luminous object) emits its own light and the moon ( a non luminous object ) reflects the light from the sun to earth that's how we can see the moon. The same way gold is a non luminous object.

Does an luminous object cast a shadow?

because there is no light for it to reflect off

What is an illuminated object?

When a substance is made of particles whose size is on the order of the size of light wavelengths that substance will cause the light to scatter, resulting in distortion of light that penetrates it. Thus light is transmitted but the material is not transparent. For example, add a few drops of milk to water or compare old, crazed, glass with new glass.