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A lizard is not a niche, it is an organism. Organisms require an environmental niche in order to survive. Most lizards eat insects, many of them live in dry or semi-arid climates, and that would be their niche. The Komodo Dragon has a different niche, being a much larger type of lizard. It eats larger animals. It has a predatory niche.

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Q: Is a lizard an example of a niche?
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What is the niche of a lizard?

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How do you explain what the niche of a frog is?

The niche of an animal is all the conditions it can tolerate and where it lives. There are two types of niches. A broad and narrow niche. An animal that has a broad niche can tolerate more conditions rather than an animal that has a narrow niche. An example of an animal that has a broad niche is an opposum. An example of an animal that has a narrow niche is a panda bear. A frog generally tends to have a broad niche. It can live in areas that have little water sources to areas that have a vast region as water sources.

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the niche of the desert cactus was that it prevides food and a habitat or a home as we say it . the niche of a horend lizerd is that it porvids food for priditors and it eats bugs like ants ensects like for example spiders.

What does niche of a fruit bat mean?

A niche is the role an organism has in the environment . for example some organism's niche is to hunt and kill certain animals and that balances the population within the ecosystem .

What is a niche in the community?

A niche is the rank or position of a species in a community.A niche is functional position of an organism eg. producer , herbivore or carnivore etc.the way in which an organism lives in its environment is called niche