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Yes. Our local group of galaxies is made up of 3 larger galaxies (milky-way, Andromeda and M33) and several smaller or dwarf galaxies.

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Q: Is a local group a group of galaxies?
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Your galaxy is a part of a group What is the name of the group and the two galaxies in it?

The local group of galaxies that include our Milky Way is called the "Local Group".The local group of galaxies that include our Milky Way is called the "Local Group".The local group of galaxies that include our Milky Way is called the "Local Group".The local group of galaxies that include our Milky Way is called the "Local Group".

How do you use Local Group in a sentence?

We are part of the Local Group. The Local Group contains the Milky Way, two other major galaxies, and dozens of dwarf galaxies. The Local Groups is a group of galaxies which, as galaxies go, are close to us.

What hold the local group together?

Gravity holds the local group of galaxies together.

What is the name of the group of galaxies the milky way is part of?

local group

What group of galaxies is the earth in?

A small cluster called the 'local group'

Is it true that in the milky way it is a member of the local group?

The Milky Way Galaxy is the second largest galaxy, after Andromeda, in the Local Group. The Triangulum Galaxy (a.k.a., the Star Wars galaxy) is the third largest. The Local Group contains about 30 galaxies, including dwarf galaxies.

The local group contains mainly spiral galaxies?

No. It has only 3 big spiral galaxies, but dozens of dwarf galaxies.

What are the other galaxies accept Milky Way?

The observable Universe has at least a hundred billion galaxies. The galaxies closest to us are part of the so-called "Local Group" (that is, the group that includes our galaxy); this Local Group includes our own galaxy (i.e., the Milky Way), the Andromeda Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 50 dwarf galaxies such as the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. Then, of course, there are hundreds or thousands of galaxies "near-by" as distances between galaxies go, but outside of our Local Group.

Which of these galaxies is most likely to be oldest?

A galaxy in the Local Group.

This cluster of galaxies is made up of about twenty-five galaxies including the milky way?

The galaxy cluster that contains the Milky Way is called the Local Group.

Are there galaxies in the milky way?

The Milky Way is our galaxy, the are no other galaxies within it though we are part of a local group of galaxies.

What are the 10 neighboring galaxys?

Look up "Local Group", on the Wikipedia for example. The Local Group includes the galaxies of our "immediate neighborhood" (a few million light-years distance at most!). The Local Group has much more than 10 galaxies, though.