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Q: Is a low grade chronic depression with symptoms that are milder than those of severe depression but are present on a majority of days for two or more years?
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What is a low-grade chronic depression with symptoms that are milder than those of severe depression but are present on a majority of days for two or more years?

Chronic imply s forever.

Is a low-grade chronic depression with ssymptoms that are milder than those of severe depression but are present on a majority of days for two or more years?

If the person has an element of moderate depression, if female, this could be premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Premenstrual depression but on a more severe scale. If subject within enquirers question is male, a medical check for underlying problems may be an idea.

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Latent infection is different because the infection be present,but not causing no symptoms that what makes this infection different from acute and chronic infections.

Is asthma an acute disease?

No, asthma is a chronic condition that does not go away. The symptoms are acute and will not always be present in some people.

What are some of the symptoms of Somatoform Disorder?

Somatoform or somatization disorder refers to a group of chronic conditions where physical symptoms such as pain and discomfort are present but no organic cause could be identified for them.

What is an adjective for depression?

The adjectives severe, chronic or mild can be used to describe depression (noun).The adjectives related to the noun depression are the participles depressed and depressing, and the derivative adjective depressive.

Which tense is correct Majority of stockholders was present or majority of stockholders were present?

The majority of stockholders were present.

Easily Ignored Symptoms of Depression?

When many people think about depression, they imagine someone who is unable to carry on daily functions, debilitated by sadness, and even suicidal. However, most people who have depression work or go to school, have friends, and socialize. Except in the most serious cases of major depression, many of depression's most common symptoms are ones that may easily be ignored, explained away, or attributed to another condition. Many people equate depression with feelings of sadness, and a sense of sadness or worry that does not go away is one of the first signs of depression. Everyone experiences rough days or sad times periodically, and certain life events can cause a depressed mood. However, depression differs from a situation or temporary depressed mood. A person with clinical depression may experience a feeling of hopelessness about the future or helplessness about the present. Negative thoughts are moods are persistent and seem to be uncontrollable for someone with depression. Insomnia and even stress may mask some symptoms of depression. Someone with depression may not get enough sleep or sleep too much. In addition, some symptoms of depression can be blamed on a stressful job or family situation: lack of focus, drinking more than usual, or irritability. Unusual patterns of eating are also symptoms of depression that can be ignored. Like with sleep, depression can cause either an increase or a decrease in eating. In addition, loss of interest in sex is a condition that can easily be blamed on life, kids, or work, but it is also a symptom of depression. If these symptoms persist or are combined with other symptoms of depression, an individual may actually have clinical depression. Someone experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned above should monitor symptoms to assess whether depression could be the real cause. For most people with clinical depression, multiple symptoms are present, and the symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Even if a life event or situation seems to be the cause of the symptoms, depression may still develop. A number of people who are diagnosed with depression develop the condition after a major life event, such as a move, wedding, divorce, childbirth, or loss.

What are the warning signs of depression?

According to the DSM there are 7 symptoms of depression 1. Severe sadness 2. Anhedonia 3. psychomotor retardation 4. eating disturbances 5. sleep disturbances 6. concentration problems 7. suicidal 5 out of these 7 symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks in order for there condition to be classified as depression.

What is myofibralgia?

Myofiralgia is another name for fibromyalgia. It is associated with chronic muscle pain/ tenderness. Inflammation can be present. Many people with fibromyalgia suffer from lack of energy and tire easily. Some physicians believe it is associated with chronic depression and anxiety. Unknown cause.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?

There are a few symptoms which include upper abdominal pain that may readiate to the back. Fever and nausea may be present; some people experience an increase in heart rate also. And the abdomen may be swollen and tender.

What are the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome?

The biggest symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is major fatigue that lasts for 6 months or more that appears suddenly and is not relieved by resting or lying in bed. It can also be bad enough to joining in regular activities. Some other possible symptoms include but are not limited to memory loss, confusion, concentration, and several other physical symptoms may present themselves.