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Q: Is a manatee a salt water mammal?
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What hippo like mammal swims in salt water but needs fresh water to drink lives in Florida?

The Manatee!

Can a manatee survive in fresh water and salt water?

The manatee can live in salt or fresh water. But if the manatee is in salt water too long it needs to find salt water to drink

Manatee is it fish bird?

A manatee is an aquatic mammal, meaning a mammal that lives in water. It is not a fish nor a bird.

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Is a manatee crustacean?

no a manatee is a mammal

Does manatee have a backbone?

Yes, a manatee is a mammal and has a backbone.

Is a manalee a mammal?

If you mean "Manatee" , it is a mammal.

What is froridas state mammal?


Can mammals live in salt water?

Yes, mammals like Manatee, dugong, whales and dolphins all live in salt water.

Why is a manatee floridas state mammal?

The endangered manatee is Florida's state mammal because it is indigenous to that state and is found nowhere else in America.

What is a Florida Manatee and please tell you about it and its habitat and everything?

The Florida Manatee is also known as a Sea Cow. The Manatee is a mammal that belongs to the Sirenia species. The Sirenia is thought to have evolved from four legged land animals over 60 million years ago, with the closest relative being an elephant. Manatees are mainly herbivores and they inhabit (warm)shallow, marshy coastal areas and rivers. The Florida manatee is able to live in fresh and salt water. Not all Manatee's are able to inhabit both fresh and salt water. Manatee's live in the Carribean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Amazon Basin and West Africa. The Florida Manatee is on the threatend status in Florida and is endangered at the Federal level.

Is a manatee invertabrate?

A manatee is a mammal. It is a vertebrate, as it has an internal bony skeleton and a spine (backbone).