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A meat slicer is safe to use around your children is certain precautions are taken. The following website has 10 safety tips for using a meat slicer at home:

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Q: Is a meat slicer safe to use around my children?
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Related questions

Is it safe to keep a kitchen slicer in the home if I have young children?

It is safe to keep a kitchen slicer in the home with young children around, as long as you make sure it's stored in a safe place. If the children are not allowed to use the slicer, make sure that the only time it is out is when it's being used by an adult, and when it's not, store it up high or in a locked cabinet.

How do I find a quality meat slicer?

The most important feature of any meat slicer is that it has a blade guard. The slicing blade is very sharp and you won't want to get cut. It is also important that the slicer feel sturdy and does not move around when you use it. If the slicer is not sturdy then it may not be safe. I would recommend handling and trying out the slicers before you buy, you can tell a lot by the look and feel of the slicer.

Can I use a mandolin vegetable slicer for other foods?

I see no reason not to use a mandolin slicer for any suitable food...bread, meat, cheese, etc. However, you may want to make sure your mandolin is dishwasher safe and wash it thoroughly if it has been used to cut raw meat (or have a separate one for meat).

Are electric meat slicers child-safe?

No kind of slicer is child safe. If a child gets his hands on anything with a blade, the outcome could be devistating. These products need to be stored somewhere out of reach, and only used by an adult.

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depends where you get it from but in general, the open-source code modifier is safe

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yes, they are dishwasher safe but perfer handwashing so you dont ruin the wires

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if they are well trained