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Q: Is a molecule that carries partial charge hydrophobic or hydrophilic?
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What does hydrophilic heads mean?

Polar molecules are those which have a permanent electric dipole moment. What this means is that although the molecule may have an overall neutral charge, one part of it is more negative than the other.Using water for example, the oxygen is more electronegative and so this end of the molecule is more negatively charged.ANSWER:*to assist with understanding, open this link in another browser for diagrammatic reference.…If you think of the hydrogen bonding in water it become clear why polar molecule are water-loving (or hydrophilic). The polarity this has gives the molecule a partial charge for the molecule allowing it to hydrogen bond with water.Contrastingly, hydrophobic molecules are non-polar; that is, there is no partial negative or positive charge anywhere on the molecule. Because of this, it repels water.So in short, those molecule which are polar and have a dipole moment will be hydrophilic and those molecules with no dipole moment (non-polar) are hydrophobic.Relating this to phospholipids and plasma membranes, the phospholipid can be divided into two sections to examine. The "head" part of the molecule is polar (having a partial charge due to electronegativity) and therefore does not resist interaction with water.Because of this, the heads of one layer will be in contact with the outside of the cell and the heads of the other layer in contact with the cytoplasm of the cell.The hydrophobic tails avoid the water and arrange themselves in the middle of the 2 layers.HYDROPHOBIC = NON-POLAR

What struggle produces the partial negative and partial positive charges on a water molecule?

The water molecule has a partial negative and partial positive charge because it is a polar molecule. Electrostatic attraction between the partial negative and partial positive molecules gives the water molecule its partial charge.

What is in a substance that makes it hydrophobic?

Substances are hydrophobic because they are nonpolar. Nonpolar molecules are made up of elements with little difference in their electronegativities so they do not have charges or partial charges. Water is a polar molecule so it tends to be attracted to other molecules that are polar as well. This is often summed up as "like attracts like". Some examples of hydrophobic molecules include fats and oils which are nonpolar because they have large hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains.

A polar molecule has a partial positive side and partial negative side true or false?


When a partial electrical charge exists across a molecule it is called a?

Ionic compound

Related questions

What does hydrophilic heads mean?

Polar molecules are those which have a permanent electric dipole moment. What this means is that although the molecule may have an overall neutral charge, one part of it is more negative than the other.Using water for example, the oxygen is more electronegative and so this end of the molecule is more negatively charged.ANSWER:*to assist with understanding, open this link in another browser for diagrammatic reference.…If you think of the hydrogen bonding in water it become clear why polar molecule are water-loving (or hydrophilic). The polarity this has gives the molecule a partial charge for the molecule allowing it to hydrogen bond with water.Contrastingly, hydrophobic molecules are non-polar; that is, there is no partial negative or positive charge anywhere on the molecule. Because of this, it repels water.So in short, those molecule which are polar and have a dipole moment will be hydrophilic and those molecules with no dipole moment (non-polar) are hydrophobic.Relating this to phospholipids and plasma membranes, the phospholipid can be divided into two sections to examine. The "head" part of the molecule is polar (having a partial charge due to electronegativity) and therefore does not resist interaction with water.Because of this, the heads of one layer will be in contact with the outside of the cell and the heads of the other layer in contact with the cytoplasm of the cell.The hydrophobic tails avoid the water and arrange themselves in the middle of the 2 layers.HYDROPHOBIC = NON-POLAR

What struggle produces the partial negative and partial positive charges on a water molecule?

The water molecule has a partial negative and partial positive charge because it is a polar molecule. Electrostatic attraction between the partial negative and partial positive molecules gives the water molecule its partial charge.

What is a molecule that has a partial positive charge on one end a partial negative charge on the other?

This is a polar molecule.

What is in a substance that makes it hydrophobic?

Substances are hydrophobic because they are nonpolar. Nonpolar molecules are made up of elements with little difference in their electronegativities so they do not have charges or partial charges. Water is a polar molecule so it tends to be attracted to other molecules that are polar as well. This is often summed up as "like attracts like". Some examples of hydrophobic molecules include fats and oils which are nonpolar because they have large hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains.

Is a phosphate head hydrophilic?

Yes, it is. The phosphate group is polar, and is attracted to water, which is also polar. Hydrophilic = attracted to water. The oxygens are very electronegative and carry a partial negative charge. This is attracted to the partial positive hydrogens of water, forming hydrogen bonds.

Can A Particle Be A Molecule Yes Or No?

yes, a partial can be a molecule. In fact, It can be anything!

What is positively and negatively charged in a water molecule?

it says oxygen acts negativw so most likely hydrogen on the bottom acts positive

A polar molecule has a partial positive side and partial negative side true or false?


What does it mean when people say water has an unevenly distributed charge?

The hydrogens in water carry a partial positive charge, and the oxygen carries a partial negative charge. This is because of the differences in electronegativity, and the fact that the geometry of the water molecule is bent.

When a partial electrical charge exists across a molecule it is called a?

Ionic compound

Dipoles arise when?

One end of a molecule or atom has a partial negative charge and the other end has a partial positive charge.

When a partial electrical charge exists across a molecule it is a?

Ionic compound