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Q: Is a mother hen supposed to help a chick hatch?
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Will it hurt a chick to help it hatch?

Possibly, so you should wait until the chick hatches by itself.

How do you help a chicken egg hatch?

Chicken eggs hatch in 21 days. They must be rotated one quarter turn twice per day. They must be kept at the proper temperature and moisture ranges for their breed and size.

Are mother hens supposed to eat the egg shell and break it while the baby is hatching?

the mother hens occationally may break the egg shell while the baby is hatching to help the baby hatch. I'm pretty sure the egg shell will not harm the mother hen much.

Who hatches the eggs of the hoouse finch the male or the female?

The chicks hatch (=gets out of the egg) themselves with a tip of their beaks, "the egg tooth". It will later disappear. They will come out when they have grown too much to be inside the egg. Mother nature will take care of this event, and it's very rare that the parents help the chicks. They know the chicks have to get out themselves in order to live.If the chick does not get out of the egg, it's weak and too small, and would also loose the battle for food with it's siblings - that's why a chick like this guietly and gently sleeps away soon after it fails to hatch. The parent might also eat it after it's dead to gain protein and other useful nutrients.It's nature, and mother nature does not do anything that isn't supposed to happen. The chick just wasn't suitable for living.

Can you help chicks hatch?

You can if you want. But, you should know the risks.I don't like to help chicks hatch. However, I still do help chicks out of their shell if they just can't make it, but I still don't like it. I believe that you have to trust in Mother Nature to know what she is doing, and I don't like to second guess her.Having said that - I DO help chicks hatch. Most of the time, I am successful and the chick is fine. Sometimes as the chick grows, I see weaknesses that are like Mother Nature saying, "See, I told you!" But sometimes a healthy normal chick just has a little problem and can benefit from a helping hand.Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the chick will die. But sometimes they will live and grow healthy and beautiful.In fact, I helped a chick out of it's shell before and they very chick turned out to be a beautiful rooster with strong lungs. He has won the crowing contest at my fair two years in a row, and he will surely be entered in the contest next year.

Where is the egg tooth located on a baby chick?

a small calcum deposit on the chicks beak to help break through the egg when they hatch.

What is the purpose of a nursing pillow?

A nursing pillow is supposed to help a breastfeeding mother. It is designed to provide support for the mother and the baby during the process of breastfeeding, by supporting the upper back of the mother.

Do baby chicks help there mother?

I have been rasing chicks for 2 years now and not once have I seen a baby chick help.But I could be wrong!

What should you do to kindly help your mother if she is overweight?

Tell you obese mother she's fat in the kindest way possible, and put her on nutrisystem! Some chick lost 40 lbs. om that! holy s#!%

Do chicks have mothers?

Considering the facts that life can only come from other life and that birds reproduce sexually and also have separate distinct genders and only members of the opposite genders can have a chick, it is undoubted that each and every chick has at least one mother. IF the chick should have more than one mother, it is because one mother was its biological mother but abandoned the chick.and therefore another creature took over the motherly role. IF the chick appears to have no mother, it is simply because it has been orphaned and needs a new replacement mother as soon as possible. Please call 555-987-6543 to order a NEW replacement avian mother for only $799.99 now if you feel that your bird needs some parental help.

Does the dad alligator help take care of the babies?

No - once the baby alligators hatch - they are independent from the mother. She will, however 'stand guard' over them until they have dispersed.

Where should you put a chick in the days it just hatch and is eating its yolk should you put it in a box with fluff and warmth or since im using a incubator should I leave it in there please help fast?

A baby chick should only be left in an inbactor 12 hrs after hatching and then taken and put under a red heat lamp until they are stronger