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Q: Is a necrotic lymph node a significant health problem?
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What are the symptoms of the Justinian plague?

The plague of Justinian is believed to be the first recorded instance of the bubonic plague. The symptoms include necrosis of the hand, and swollen lymph glands. As the disease got worse, the lymph nodes could hemorrhage and become necrotic.

What causes low lymph auto?

Low lymph auto cause is immunity problem

Are enlarged abdominal lymph nodes the cause of abdominal pain?

Enlarged lymph nodes are a symptom of an underlying health problem. Lymph nodes usually only swell when there is extra activity going on with them or they are congested. When lymph nodes swell, they can become tender to the touch but it is unusual that they alone can be the cause of abdominal pain. It seems that there is an underlying problem. When an infection is present, lymph nodes swell due to lymphocytes (white blood cells) rushing into the nodes to help fight the infection. The answer to your question in my opinion would be no. The cause of your abdominal pain may be linked with enlarged abdominal lymph nodes but they are not the cause of problem. There may be an infection present, you may have had a poor diet and created a bacteria filled environment, your body may be fighting a more serious ailment. The best course of action would be to eat a VERY healthy diet, one which promotes good health and cleansing, take a visit to your doctor to check for any underlying health problems (note that swollen lymph nodes are not the problem, they are a symptom) and in general take very good care of your body.

What happens when the cervical lymph nodes are removed?

You have about 500 lymph nodes are there in your body. There are about 300 lymph nodes in your neck region only. It is not possible to remove them all. When you remove few lymph nodes, it does not affect your health adversely.

Why do doctors check for swollen lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes are the site of white blood cell production.

Can a UTI cause swollen lymph nodes?

UTI does not typically cause swollen lymph nodes. If you have pain when you urinate and swollen lymph nodes in the genital area, see your health care provider ASAP for an accurate diagnosis.

WHO definition of Significant Lymphadenopathy?

swelling or enlargement of a particular lymph node, draining that particular organ or area.

What does this mean significant lymphadenopathy is not appreciated?

Upon physical examination, the lymph nodes were not found to be significantly enlarged.

Cluster of lymph nodes at armpit?

under the arm area is one of the places that we have lymph nodes, if yours are swollen this should be checked out by your doctor. This doesn't mean that it is necessarily representative of a serious health matter, but it definitely should be checked by a health care professional.

What is the medical terminology breakdown of the word mediastinal lymphadenopathy?

Mediastinal ("in the middle" of the thoracic cavity) lymphadenopathy (Lymph = fluid + adeno = gland + path = disease + y = process). Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy is an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the mediastinal part of the chest that can be diagnosed by X-ray. It is a symptom of several types of cancer among other diseases.

What causes high lymph?

High lymph % can be caused by mild infection to blood cancers. This is something that if only slightly elevated (10 pts or less) is usually no cause for concern. I am not a Dr. but have had high lymph % for some time now. Do discuss the condition with your health care provider.

Can swollen glands give you a tumor?

The usual reason for swollen glands is that the lymph system has deposited toxins from the bloodstream in the glands for disposal. Swollen glands are almost always an indicator of poor health elsewhere in the system, rather than a problem in themselves.