

Is a numbat diurnal

Updated: 11/12/2022
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14y ago

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Yes. The numbat is considered to be one of very few marsupials in Australia that is truly diurnal, rather than nocturnal or even partially nocturnal.

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Q: Is a numbat diurnal
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Is a numbat active during day?

Yes. The numbat is the only completely diurnal marsupial.

Is a numbat a marsupial and is it active during the day?

Yes. The numbat is a native Australian marsupial, and it is also diurnal, meaning it is active during the day. This is most unusual among marsupials, as most species of marsupials are nocturnal.

When do numbats eat?

Numbats are diurnal, so they eat during the day. A numbat might consume up to 20,000 termites in a day.

Is the numbat most active during the day?

Yes; numbats are among the few species of marsupial that are diurnal rather than nocturnal.

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Does the Numbat lay eggs?

No. The numbat is not a monotreme, or egg-laying mammal. The numbat is a marsupial, which gives live birth.

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What continent did the numbat originate?

The numbat originated on the Australian continent.

What is the latin name for numbat?

The numbat's scientific name is Myrmecobius fasciatus.

Is a numbat a rodent?

A numbat is not a rodent. It is a marsupial. Rodents are placental mammals.

What is the Numbat general description?

The Numbat is a marsupial anteater of Western Australia.

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