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Q: Is a paternity test free when done after the baby is born in the hosptial?
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What is the earliest you can do a paternity test when pregnant?

It's safest to have it done after the baby is born. When you are pregnant, an amniocentesis has to be done and there is a possibility of miscarriage. It's not worth the risk, better to wait until the baby is born.

When can you get a paternity test done while still pregnant?

SEE LINKsee link below"Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"see link below"Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"

can i find out if the baby is mines when the mother is 6month pregnant?

It can be done through chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis but it is better and safer to wait until the baby is born to perform a paternity test.

At what stage can a doctor confirm the biological father of an unborn child?

You can't confirm the father of an unborn child, but once the baby is born a paternity test can be done

How long before you can get paternity test?

On the day you give birth == == You can perform a paternity test while your still carrying the baby. But this test does carry a risk of miscarriage so I would wait until the baby is born then do the test.

How soon can a paternity test be done on a unborn child?

You need not wait for birth for a paternity test. One can be done while the baby is still in utero (in the womb or inside its mother).

How soon can a paternity test be preformed?

Paternity test can be performed with newborn baby and even it can be done on unborn babies through mother's amniotic fluid but its risky process.

How soon in pregnancy can you determine paternity?

You can have a simple swab test done on the baby and the potential father(s). They do it on the inside of the mouth so no blood test is needed. Speak to your doctor or tell them at the hospital before you go home (if the father is there). If he refuses you can get a court order for a test to be taken.

How soon can paternity testing be done after birth of the baby?

Anytime. It can be down at birth with the chord blood. It can even be done before birth with an amniocentesis, however there are risks with that procedure.

How does amniocentesis determine paternity and how safe is it in the 7 th month of pregnancy?

I don't think amniocentesis would be done at 7 months. Wait until the baby is born. Amniocentesis is where they take a little of the fluid from your sac and test the DNA for anything from genetics to disease. It is not completely safe, a doctor would recommend you wait until you have the baby before determining paternity. There is always a risk with amniocentesis.

How much does it cost to have a paternity test done while you are still pregnant?

you have to wait until the child is born and then about 250

where and how can i get a paternity/dna test before the baby is born?

A DNA Test of an unborn child is a very risky procedure. The mother would have to consent and she would be advised of all the risks. It's much simpler and less risk once the child is born. The mother of the child can speak to her OB/Gyn for more information.