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Q: Is a paw paw bigger than an orange?
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Related questions

What is bigger than a grape but smaller than an orange?

a strawberry, yum

Why does a cat lift just one paw?

If the paw has been injured, bruised, or cut recently, it might be swollen. Otherwise it probably just means that one paw is bigger than the other. Nothing to be worried about.

How do you say not bigger in German?

"nicht größer als" For example, the apple is not bigger than the orange, would be, "Der Apfel ist größer als die Orange."

Does a bigger orange have more juice than a smaller orange?

Assuming that both have contents that are equally juicy, then yes, a larger orange will contain more juice than a smaller one.

Are apricots larger than an orange?

it depends on the size of them but normally apricots are bigger

How big is a paw-paw?

some are more than 2 lions!

Does paw size determine dog size?

Puppies paws generally don't grow much as they reach full size sooner than the rest of their body. So the bigger the paws, the bigger you can expect the dog to grow.

Does paw size determine size of dog?

Puppies paws generally don't grow much as they reach full size sooner than the rest of their body. So the bigger the paws, the bigger you can expect the dog to grow.

How much orange juice do you need to drink a day to make your penis bigger?

Orange juice will not make your penis bigger.

Are apricots bigger than apples?

sometimes but if the apple isnt little apple from annoying orange apples are the larger fruit

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