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Perminant magnet

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Q: Is a permanent magnet called a hard magnet or a electromagnet?
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Why is a permanent magnet hard to magnetize?

You cannot magnetize a permanent magnet because it is already magnetized.

What is the difference between a permanent magnet and a temporary magnet?

Temporary magnet: good example is an electromagnet. It maintains magnetic attraction only so long as an electric current surrounds it. Permanent magnet: most common. Example: bar magnet. Will maintain magnetic properties for quite a while, although they can be eventually demagnetized.

What is the difference between permanent pole and temporary pole?

a Temporary Magnet lose its magnetism quickly, a Permanent Magnet is hard and it keeps it magnetism

Is the earth's core a giant magnet?

Earth's core is pretty much a dense, hot metallic sphere. It is hard because there has been so much pressure on it and heat. The outer core is indeed a magnet because scientists believe that it produces the earth's magnet field.

What might happen if you drop a permanent magnet or strike it hard?

A permanent magnet may become unmagnetized because a shock it will have.

What is a magnet formed by electricity called?

Electromagnet. This is a type of magnet which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current through wires generally surrounding a metal or iron core. Electric motors, generators, relays, loudspeakers, hard disks are examples of Electromagnets in other equipment.

Can you break a computer by rubbing a magnet on it?

You can't physically "break" a computer (mother board) with a magnet. However, you can corrupt the hard drive, which is essentially breaking it. But you'll need an extremely strong electromagnet because modern hard drives are shielded against such threats. In other words, a refrigerator magnet won't do it.

What is a hard magnet?

Hard magnets are permanent magnets that do not require electricity to retain their magnetism and are not easily demagnetized. They are magnetically charged naturally and can be artificially, too.

What type of magnet is a Refrigerator magnet?

The term "refrigerator magnet" is ambiguous and may refer to any number of types of magnets. However, typically a refrigerator magnet is going to be relatively weak and made of the most inexpensive materials available. Hard refrigerator magnets are likely iron. Flexible refrigerator magnets are made of bonded ferrite powders; barium ferrite is among the most common. In general classification, a refrigerator magnet is a permanent magnet.

Is a magnet there in a hard disc?


How would one describe hard copy?

A hard copy is described as a permanent copy, or a printed copy from a computer. A hard copy exists as a physical object. A hard copy is also called a permanent reproduction due to the fact that it does not change once it's been generated.

How do you magnetize a dress maker's pin?

You can magnetize a dress making pin by stroking it in one direction with a permanent magnet. I have done it using a good quality fridge magnet. Dress making pins may become magnetized when they are dropped on a hard surface, for example a tiled floor.